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Survey : Why did you join realmPT ?

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i join 2 reaons


t5 and economy, but economy is my main point since t5 not release yet


and i love how we can get 120 items here by hard work ingame

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Actually, i joined Wartale because here skills are modified, and it has the so called "class balance".


I had a Magician in other server, but magician in other server is a trash. i regret too much for wasting many years in the other server.


It was so good before many uneducated ppl and hacking ppl come, and i couldn't enjoy the server before that, tough i had already my char. :(



but still it isn't a full-of-idiots server and here still magician kills well, as he is intended to be.

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Because of Tier 5, economy and especially because it was Wartale's server.


Wartale knows what he's doing.

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I'm waiting for t5 release, but not only for this. The balance of skils is good, they are improved due to game play.


Economy is very stabilized, we can buy high lv thing if we work hard. Gold worth more, and the currency exchange, working capital aren't only superfatured valento rings

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Because i saw sandurr was a part of the staff and I know he is the #1 gm. I've been to his servers ever since he started them :)

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I joined rPTm cause things actually work here. Comming from ePT, and then playing here is a bigger difference then day and night =o

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Gogg! D:

^that was the main reason


I was playing another server that had to close due to the fact the admin was travelling around the world 'cause of his work and couldn't keep the server alive


I've checked the forum on december because a friend warned me about the T5 project, but didn't join. After some time the server I was playing was down and I had to look up for another one, so I checked back the topic I made here and saw people that played with me before (just 3 in fact, angie, ivan nawb [bLiiND] and eduardo nooba)

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Tire 5, thats what everyone gonna vote for... as you can see from the results lol.

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Tier 5 enough said just waiting for it to respark my interest in the game after years of playing all the classes

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How silly some people are thinking that everyone just want to see T5 around here

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Because of Tier 5, economy and especially because it was Wartale's server.


Wartale knows what he's doing.


100% agree !

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most advanced pt server (u shouldnt neglect this one in everyway)


options u made are pale and weak

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I joined because of all the custom goodies; the maps, quests (hail the quests), items, monsters. I mean, when you've played pt for years, you truly get bored after having seen a couple of servers. It's always the same. But Realmpt actually made things very interesting, in my opinion. But, in my experience, the community is rather interactive, almost nobody talks or hardly anyone speaks english. If I had known that, I wouldn't have thought twice before playing here.

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Non of the above?


with this guy none of the above was just bored of ept

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