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Survey : Why did you join realmPT ?

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my friends start to play here and i never played in other server, here is the first. And nowadays i like of itens and maps and have the t5 coming soon to.

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none of above...

i love priston tale because my priestess cute ♥

help me kill my free time ♥

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Because I enjoy the thought of homo-erotic sex with my toon ofc. Why else would anyone play?

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Staff, quickly and efficiently.

Before it was bad but now deny Hacker was unbans Xora


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i joined because i wanted to date women,but insteed of that,i got bunch of horny men >_>


i got bored of other games,my heart is still in PT ( omg thats so lame ) realm was the only PT server that looked decent and non of that ''5 day server offline,because we got hacked''

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i stopped with bPT then colosu, rey n some upt friends told me about rpt

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T5, but not only for that, coz i was without a PT server to play, then i chose this one!

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I was searching for valento ring stats them I reached Illuminati forum (A clan from BPT Midranda) into their forum I read something about this server from Yondaime posts.


Them I am here!

But this server has many features simple but smart like Better interface in game client (lock itens was genius)

Many new qests

new itens

good economy

Of course tier 5

rebalanced maps

With mix recipes brings new types of strategy

Good adm. Forum and Game

And Wartale  just Wartale. If there are something new in PT. a good chance that comes from him.


I didnt stop with BPT but i really start up with realmpt.




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I was told that everyone was naked in this game. So I joined that shit up ASAP.

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T5 (:


Was here since its first week (Heard a rumor from a friend just when it opened), and got carried away by the most amazing level up contest I ever participated :D twas way better than any other server I used to play, and it happened so that everyone forgotten about T5  Oo

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that contest was the greatest no-life week i had haha

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i joined mainly because of class balance, but even here it's just a illusion.


I hope it will gain share on the dev's mind after t5 comes, but i'm not really that optimistic.

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I joined rpt mainly cause of Wartale,

when " he left" upt that became a mess, now he is back there and here

but i still prefer rPT

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i joined mainly because of class balance, but even here it's just a illusion.


I hope it will gain share on the dev's mind after t5 comes, but i'm not really that optimistic.


dont worry about that, im pretty sure there will be another one after tier 5

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Reason - Other


The last time I played PT was February 2003 when it was in beta testing; only 4 classes, max level was 72 i think.


So when I stumbled across some old screen shots of PT, I wanted to see if I could find it again.

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