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What are the differences between Unique and Realm?

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- Different staff.

- Different item stats.

- Tier 5 and Mystery Desert 3 are Realm exclusive. I don't know about Battle Arena yet, but our current sketch of it is based on PvP Ranking, which is also a Realm exlusive. So if Wartale doesn't release Unique's PvP Ranking to public, Unique World won't get Battle Arena either.

- Realm's economy is balanced. Unique's economy is not. You don't see anyone with hundreds of v-rings nor duzens of gold bars in Realm. For a regular player (in both worlds) it takes up to one week of SoDs to gather 500kk gold. For a donator in Unique world, it takes only 2 euros to get a gold bar. That's why regular players can't afford to buy decent gear there.

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- Different staff.

- Different item stats.

- Tier 5 and Mystery Desert 3 are Realm exclusive. I don't know about Battle Arena yet, but our current sketch of it is based on PvP Ranking, which is also a Realm exlusive. So if Wartale doesn't release Unique's PvP Ranking to public, Unique World won't get Battle Arena either.

- Realm's economy is balanced. Unique's economy is not. You don't see anyone with hundreds of v-rings nor duzens of gold bars in Realm. For a regular player (in both worlds) it takes up to one week of SoDs to gather 500kk gold. For a donator in Unique world, it takes only 2 euros to get a gold bar. That's why regular players can't afford to buy decent gear there.


Nice =).

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i see, are the rates the same?


Drop rate? No.

Exp rate? If I rememeber correctly: no.

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which one is higher?


In Realm World, players have a chance to drop 120 items and actually sell/wear them.

In Unique World you have to donate for those because only one player has ever dropped one - and since then, they lowered the drop rate even more. The drop rate there is pretty harsh.


Exp rate is similar.


does Unique have thier own site?


No. They have a forum, though: http://www.uniquept.net/forums/

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- Different staff.

- Different item stats.

- Tier 5 and Mystery Desert 3 are Realm exclusive. I don't know about Battle Arena yet, but our current sketch of it is based on PvP Ranking, which is also a Realm exlusive. So if Wartale doesn't release Unique's PvP Ranking to public, Unique World won't get Battle Arena either.

- Realm's economy is balanced. Unique's economy is not. You don't see anyone with hundreds of v-rings nor duzens of gold bars in Realm. For a regular player (in both worlds) it takes up to one week of SoDs to gather 500kk gold. For a donator in Unique world, it takes only 2 euros to get a gold bar. That's why regular players can't afford to buy decent gear there.



just to don't say 'rpt is better all over upt', UPT have one good advantage: weapons AP are balanced.



But yes, economy of other server is messed. Of course, older server.. have tons of vals/gold due to the time online. The price of vals is very high for a starter player, and somethings are priced by vals, 2, 3, 20 etc..


And the upt suffered by gold hack sometime ago.. there so many gold in server, lots of  things are overpriced. This don't happen to rpt, so we can get thing by hard work.

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I know you're all having fun here but I think the questions got answered and it's better letting uPT matters to uPT, and keep this up withwtstuff, ah? They got their own forum~

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rpt has tons of hackers


Correct. And uPT has the same anti-cheat as rPT, which means hackers simply decide to hack here because it's worth it.


And speaking of that, if you get hacked inwtyou get your items restored.

In uPT you don't.





I don't think they check the logs.

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Many things are different.Drops,NPC,maps(Lvl requirment),mobs HP and EXP,EXP gain when partying,item spec,and so on.

I can't say which is better,but better things in upt are little lag and no fail of spawn of crys and mobs.

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