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Knight build

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Hello guys! I've started a knight, if plp can help with advices to k9 build.


From now, i've just raised sword mastery, grand cross and god bless (all 10) and i'm 9x. Which skill is better for a quick-xp focus build? The skills that can't stack, (Holy valor, Holy body, drastic spirit) Looks all usefull for grind.


From 90-100 drastic spirit looks better, due to quick xp at maps that doesn't have many undeads, even none ( like iron 1/2, aren't so hard get party there).

Lv 100-110, good looks holy valor, if i try grind at LoC. In this map, also brandish doesn't look usefull, since to mobs are few with high atack.


Lv 110+,  FT1+ again drastic spirit looks great, due to high amount of mobs. And the most of them aren't undeads ( only witches that are ranged ) Also, at FT+ brandish is very good to mass-kill


AD+ turn back  to undeads, and holy valor seems better there. More atack= xp quicker


Also, i don't know much about the efects in long-range of holy body. My main doubt is: which skill i'm go for:


-drastic spirit

-holy valor

-holy body


-divine shield


and t4


-SoJ (other reason that i wait for put points, this skill will be boosted, maybe this skill make brandish obsolete)

-godly shield (absorb add is very good, but i can have 3 skill t4 lv 10only at 120, if SOJ is better for UP?)


What's the best combination for grind lv faster?


Thanks for help!

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I would rather go for drastic, brandish, divine shield, godly shield. This is the classic skill for KS xp build as general. I would recommend Md as xp map with uptodate equipment. Nothing much can be said now until the actual update is made.

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i heard holy valor doesn't work with aoe attacks, didn't try it tho


yeah, and if i want xp like 1x1 skills, i can go up for those build, without lv brandish. more damage in 1x1 hp.


I would rather go for drastic, brandish, divine shield, godly shield. This is the classic skill for KS xp build as general. I would recommend Md as xp map with uptodate equipment. Nothing much can be said now until the actual update is made.


yeah, knights can UP in MD 100-110, instead of LOC. And this build its very usefull all-around to reach 120+ quickly.


really thanks for your help!

I'll go for this build, dunno if SoJ can beat brandish after patch, also i can redistibute IF SoJ add a real great improve for massive kills for knight.

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If you train on Lost, Holy


If You Train on a Exp Map, use Brandish lv 7~10

Divine shield on level 10 add 4% block -.-, and your main function is absorb hp of undead monster, very effective on Lost, but you use this skill on lv 10 only if you train in Lost map.


Holy Body only if you don´t resist the undead attacks, In Lost for example.

Holy Valor, subtitute Drastic Spirit only Undead maps how Lost.

So,If you pretend train for a nice exp, put brandish lv 10 and so be happy!

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