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experience potion + phoenix

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Do they work in party? If yes, is the experience ccumulative?

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The phoenix doesn't provide extra experience, but yes, both work on party.

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EXP Potions only work on your individual character. After party level formula is factored into your total EXP gained, the potion gives you an additional 25% EXP.


Phoenix Pet comes in 3 different designs:

~Ice- Summons a bird that attacks nearby monsters with a freeze effect.

~Fire- Summons a bird that attacks nearby monsters with a fire effect.

~Heal- Summons a bird that regenerates your health.

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4 hours ago, TrapHouse said:

EXP Potions only work on your individual character. After party level formula is factored into your total EXP gained, the potion gives you an additional 25% EXP.


Phoenix Pet comes in 3 different designs:

~Ice- Summons a bird that attacks nearby monsters with a freeze effect.

~Fire- Summons a bird that attacks nearby monsters with a fire effect.

~Heal- Summons a bird that regenerates your health.

There is also the electric phoenix pet.

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