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i think that "final solution" ´ll never exist..


always hackers are infront of "safty programs" (i think i write wrong... anyway..)


if u spend 1h at AD1 or FT2 on invisible mode (is that possible?)


gm´s w´ll take TONS of hackers.. (No delay / auto etc..)



i was upping normally at AD1, and a viet came and spend 2 hours outside.. 10min later, gm go there to see if i was using something wrong...

ofc... i was using nothing.. because i play fair!



i´m seeing lots of 120 swords on viets hands... this is happening.. about 3 or 4 days... duppers? maybe...


Prothoss and Anx case... lol? i saw today Prothoss_ at BC for MBC... (Allieds of Viet...)



but gl on resolution!



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Ok, viet ip is banned, now they use proxy and can play

So what, isn't it against the rules? if they use that ip they are supposed

to don't play, then they change ip and nothing happens?



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Not trying to be racist just giving infol;

On other servers I've played there were suddenly alot of VN players and in that time there were many many high lvl item drops and they reached way to high levels for the amount of play time. Many of them got banned for duping/cheating but some people just play 20hours a day non stop exping. There are bad people and just people with a less social life. But I'm sure that's not only in Vietnam.

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Guest bahamott

Vietnam Country is blocked ? ? ? ?





MeteorShower sell account in real money.


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Vietnam Country is blocked ? ? ? ?





MeteorShower sell account in real money.

they should stayed banned . But is using proxy/vnps . My ask is WHERE ARE THE RULES? They should stayed block and still play. Dont have any value the words of gms or adms?

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they should stayed banned . But is using proxy/vnps . My ask is WHERE ARE THE RULES? They should stayed block and still play. Dont have any value the words of gms or adms?


Vietnam IP only banned 1 day and next day was unbanned and still play normally untill today

They dont need use any proxy/vnps now because viet ip isn't banned ...

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link=topic=22713.msg155437#msg155437 date=1295187626]



needs punishment

omg friend use cheating

but ac is u responsibility

dont unbanned

yes. They need a punishment.  @minjee ok many friends br was hunting alot like MyBrother. And i knoe that he no drop itens 120 like viets droping many 120 in a little  space of days.

I also hunt alot but never drop any 120 items...but one day only 5 minutes come to the game I got 2 of 115 items, 1 oredo, 1 enigma. It is lucky bro, hunting is patient. Some people hunting and up level, did you patient like them ?

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Isn't easier ban those who use hackers permanently?


I wonder why they don't get permanent ban. Since they are high lv players, they wasn't banned 'coz it will create a hole between high players? or cause they are donnaters? The viet's IP are banned, but accs who use hack don't. This is very strange




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link=topic=22713.msg155437#msg155437 date=1295187626]



needs punishment

omg friend use cheating

but ac is u responsibility

dont unbanned

yes. They need a punishment.  @minjee ok many friends br was hunting alot like MyBrother. And i knoe that he no drop itens 120 like viets droping many 120 in a little  space of days.

I also hunt alot but never drop any 120 items...but one day only 5 minutes come to the game I got 2 of 115 items, 1 oredo, 1 enigma. It is lucky bro, hunting is patient. Some people hunting and up level, did you patient like them ?


I thinks duplicate itens is more easy right? and if is luck, where is all 110 sword? Just dissaper?

And i need a explain.. why ft2 pt full give more xp then all ad2... All know is hack but anyone make nothing

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If the replies in this thread are not racist, I won't delete it.


I will give a warning for everyone and anyone who replies in this thread. Keep your racist remarks to yourself. Talk about hackers, whatever. Don't insult a whole country.

sorry but not racist JUST THE TRUE, you can saw that they do many things bad to honest players. Like trade hacks, or exping with auto. And more


seriously I don't know why people complain about trade hack all the time but still trade anyways.

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If the replies in this thread are not racist, I won't delete it.


I will give a warning for everyone and anyone who replies in this thread. Keep your racist remarks to yourself. Talk about hackers, whatever. Don't insult a whole country.

sorry but not racist JUST THE TRUE, you can saw that they do many things bad to honest players. Like trade hacks, or exping with auto. And more


seriously I don't know why people complain about trade hack all the time but still trade anyways.


plp need to trade things, this happen anywhere else

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If the replies in this thread are not racist, I won't delete it.


I will give a warning for everyone and anyone who replies in this thread. Keep your racist remarks to yourself. Talk about hackers, whatever. Don't insult a whole country.

sorry but not racist JUST THE TRUE, you can saw that they do many things bad to honest players. Like trade hacks, or exping with auto. And more


seriously I don't know why people complain about trade hack all the time but still trade anyways.


plp need to trade things, this happen anywhere else

yes. I need it too

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Guest bahamott

How many have items 120 has the Vietnams? Could not see it Admin.


The truth is the Vietnams do what they want on the server and are not punished, and when they are punished, so they are unbanned.


Realmpt have been better. Now only deception.

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we need trade but i fell me not security and good in trade cause HAVe MANY HACKS VIET

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How many have items 120 has the Vietnams? Could not see it Admin.


The truth is the Vietnams do what they want on the server and are not punished, and when they are punished, so they are unbanned.


Realmpt have been better. Now only deception.


viet players hunt 24/7 for those 120 items. you say they hack for 120 ? lol. you are jealous :D.

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1.  You can have an IP block against a high risk population, but not erratically banning all accounts from such country. As such in politic, while you can impose a trade ban on a country it is  politically incorrect if you discriminate against the people of that country.

2. I don't have an issue with you saying that hackers must be banned and punished as they should, but what I see written time and again is "Vietnamese players must be punished!" I agree that statistically speaking the majority of hackers have been Vietnamese, but it's not true that every Vietnamese player must be a hacker and you know this! What are we now? We're not in HS anymore, why are we still stereotyping people? And not just one of those if you are Asian you must be good at math, it's the stereotyping that lead straight to social stigma and discrimination. What I see here is a rage against Vietnamese players, rather than at hackers themselves.

3. Issue with high level items in possession of Vietnamese players. They hunt. Some of them even do it 24/7, they have made their purpose to hunt. When the char is not hunting, their friends will leech them. It's a kind of hierarchy that some will be hunters and other chars will be providing exp in return for the good items. And they tend to circulate the goods within clan members or the community. Keeping it in the family, or so they say.


It's just my 2 cents. I don't support hacking. I also find whining excessive and tiring. GM team is doing an exceptional job.

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1.  You can have an IP block against a high risk population, but not erratically banning all accounts from such country. As such in politic, while you can impose a trade ban on a country it is  politically incorrect if you discriminate against the people of that country.

2. I don't have an issue with you saying that hackers must be banned and punished as they should, but what I see written time and again is "Vietnamese players must be punished!" I agree that statistically speaking the majority of hackers have been Vietnamese, but it's not true that every Vietnamese player must be a hacker and you know this! What are we now? We're not in HS anymore, why are we still stereotyping people? And not just one of those if you are Asian you must be good at math, it's the stereotyping that lead straight to social stigma and discrimination. What I see here is a rage against Vietnamese players, rather than at hackers themselves.

3. Issue with high level items in possession of Vietnamese players. They hunt. Some of them even do it 24/7, they have made their purpose to hunt. When the char is not hunting, their friends will leech them. It's a kind of hierarchy that some will be hunters and other chars will be providing exp in return for the good items. And they tend to circulate the goods within clan members or the community. Keeping it in the family, or so they say.


It's just my 2 cents. I don't support hacking. I also find whining excessive and tiring. GM team is doing an exceptional job.

1) about level. How can 129-130 in 3 days in ft2 with 6 players in pt 4 leeching 2 killing.                  2) abou itens. Just players from vietnam drop many 120 in little days. 3) trade was disable why? Hacks in trade. Who? Big part of viets. 4) here dont have nothing racist just the TRUE. If all was honest , maybe didnt have topics about it.

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maybe the one who open the topic have big issue n dont think straight n whine alots


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I never said anything about fast level jump. I don't have the answer to that. If you had question, you could make a topic and have the GM checked the subject's account. I didn't say you were wrong about them hacking. They may or may not be, that I do not know.

I understand that trade was disabled due to trade hacks. And I didn't deny that Vietnamese players played a big role, hence the IP blocking.


I made my remark gearing solely towards the public's attitude.  Now, if it's a specific player(s) with a name and a situation (i.e: 1 lvl in 3 days) then by all mean, go at it until you find an answer that will satisfy your query. I just don't want to see the bashing of a country, everyone ganging up on those who can't speak up (language barrier). Wouldn't the public opinion then become terribly biased? I simply wanted to present the other side of the coin, and voiced my desire for a civil discussion.



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I never said anything about fast level jump. I don't have the answer to that. If you had question, you could make a topic and have the GM checked the subject's account. I didn't say you were wrong about them hacking. They may or may not be, that I do not know.

I understand that trade was disabled due to trade hacks. And I didn't deny that Vietnamese players played a big role, hence the IP blocking.


I made my remark gearing solely towards the public's attitude.  Now, if it's a specific player(s) with a name and a situation (i.e: 1 lvl in 3 days) then by all mean, go at it until you find an answer that will satisfy your query. I just don't want to see the bashing of a country, everyone ganging up on those who can't speak up (language barrier). Wouldn't the public opinion then become terribly biased? I simply wanted to present the other side of the coin, and voiced my desire for a civil discussion.

read in your number 3 you told about the exp situation. And come on bro 129-130 with 4 leechs and just 2 killing in FT2 in just 3 days.  and just viets have luck to drop many 120? I think that i can say ,. Fuel, mybrother, ze neto, phyllipi hunt many time and no drops 120? Fuel was hunting to drop 120 shield. He hunted more than 2 weeks. Why just viets drop manu 120?

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This is simple :

GM aren't enough,

scammers don't even get banned so why you want a hacker to be banned ? hes stronger and smarter !

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I am a Vietnamese ... I think everyone in the game thinks Vietnam is a hacker. I reply  just to say that not all people in vietnamese is hacker. Someone hack and everone in vietnamese is hacker??? It's nor fair. When GM is blocked ip my country but vietnamese still play, i think it will make many people unhappy. I think like this: If vietnamese can use proxy to play Rpt , why Hacker in another countries can not use IP vietnam and hack ? Because people do not like the Vietnamese in the game, so why not use  ip Vietnam to GM lock our country.


I'm very young, just 19 year old....

i'm very tired when i go to school

I want to go back home soon to play Rpt,because i have a lots friends in another countries in this game but when i'm playing in trade chat's always have spam:" Viet is hacker"..... So I'm very sad.....

Sr if you cant understand all i write because my english 's not good!!!.......

THanks all!

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i am not saying that ALL viets are hacks. But lets see nowadays rpt have many hacks. And where are they from`? They are from vietnam. Have viets honests but the hacks are viets. You can see it reading the post of sandurr that viet ip i s blocked for many hacks viets. You are viet and can be honest but have many hacks viets. Trade was disable why? For hacks in trade from viets. 8)

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