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VietClan - Alenca - Shiny - WatchMan !

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look at the scale of ad1 and ad2 xp, and then look for the ft2 to you see the difference in xp

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what about the xp ?


just change the dll to put more xp, its easy up in ft2

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and then all are silent on this?


spend our money while donating to server hack they use and still look good.

until when?

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- Shiny train in FT2  ( Sometimes solo, sometimes party 2 or 3 or 4 ...)[/i]


I insist, we never use hack / auto or anything out of rule by RPT


- I must know the member I added, know in real life

- I never add member used hack/bot or something out ofwtrule and so I kicked everyone do it if I knew, immediately!!!

You guy always said that : we are hack – so why don’t you make yourself a report to GM to check us? Or you all think : GM not resolved, not fair or something? NO, Im sure it’s not happen. And I know GM was do good their job.



Can explain why who hit this ks die if he just atk one person?



Skill no delay is dont hack to u right?




Darkangelvn banned for speed hack/duplicate itens


Are u sure u dont invite hacker? Ops, u just  invite who u know in real life right? Interesting..

One more, u say all brs call vn hacker.. well, just look section report..

And yes, i play many times to know ft2 dont have more xp then ad1/ad2/ad3, and u dont solo there, all can see u in pt with 4-5 leech

I need make a movie to show exp in ft2?  ;)

These crap videos,

1) That k9...compare to other k9 in BC...he is high level and all 120 item...what you talking about...bullshit video

2) Hack skill w/o delay ... this is bullshit...with crown of people Pike, K9, pris...try to kill and can't kill as he using many skil combines, for HP bar..it is up and down.

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v0dka got full gear 115 + 20 perfect, i saw this knights from vietclan, only with 120 items (low agings) O__O, and they come with a fcking lag

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haha they ignored breaklove hahah

breaklove said that Shiny wasn't using pots. :-\ . but ok isn't my prob. i just wanna make some spam.

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