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Remove Right Click on Join Clan

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To forum moderator Wartale or Support,


So it's left click to join clan, now right click can also join clan, show below:











and I think I left click a few to open new page to stalk on who are the other clan members, and also to take screenshot, so I ended up making many clan applications,


can you Wartale or Support remove the left click button to join or add "remove Request" function? 




Edited by akasha
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Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean? :46_confounded:


Your explanation with pictures is great but I still didn't get it (sorry about that).

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17 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean? :46_confounded:


Your explanation with pictures is great but I still didn't get it (sorry about that).


Usually when you left click, it bring out the list of actions you can do, while right click is confirmation, so when you do left click, the list show up, and then you click "open the page in a new window", you will open the that page in a new window and at the same time, it automatically make you send clan application.


So you can try that, left click on "Join" and click on "open the page in a new window", and you will open the page in a new window and at the same time send the clan application, so your intention was to open the page in a new window, but it sends the clan application, in that case, the left click should be disabled when your mouse hover over "Join".


You can try, left click on CHEER Join, open it in a new window, and the window should be opened and at same time the clan application is send when you clicked the "open the page in a new window" on that show up list.


Well it doesn't really matter anyway, since the owner of respective clan can just reject clan application, I'm just saying there is this bug, like there is another one on personal group chat where you can pull more than 10 members on personal group chat on forum as long as you don't click "refresh", "send", "edit" etc.


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If you want to see the members of a Clan you shouldn't be using the "Join" button at all. Just click the clan name. :8_laughing: "Join" is for joining clans.

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