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The maintenance?

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Hello, what is the definition of a "short maintenance" in your guys opinion? Just wondering:D:221_see_no_evil:

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2 hrs and 40 mins ..and still going 

What a short maintenance a guys ?  -.- 

Edited by Daniel-boy

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17 minutes ago, g3osp10 said:


I think it's only tomorrow, again.

Yeah it's probably gonna stay offline again as they always do...

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"Short main" and delay many times but doesnt have any GM come here to say somethings

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I dislike those unnecessary maintenances which don't contain any good updates, 2 maintenances already for nothing important (who cares about clan list?!), I rather have even 2 days maintenance but with good new features update. 

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11 minutes ago, skatenino said:

Relax, they are working hard for us??

Even so, they should state their announcements differently.

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Do you know if they have a reddit or a discord where they state their announcements? It's weird to close the game for so long and several day and not giving any information to their customer / player.

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Maybe on their facebook page, havent checked it. cuz they probably wont post anything related to the maintenances :7_sweat_smile:

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I do not mind taking a whole day, so that really comes a new thing....like T5....But I doubt too much .... I believe that tier5 will be released only in the cup of 2022.

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its take only few mins to come here and say somethings to players, but they dont. 

We're losing patient bcz of main. 

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For a server with so many player that's not very valuable to dont be communicative at this point.

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1 minute ago, lhyamauti said:

I do not mind taking a whole day, so that really comes a new thing....like T5....But I doubt too much .... I believe that tier5 will be released only in the cup of 2022.

I highly doubt they ever going to be releasing the full T5.

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I got no problem with matintance  ( even tho every day main it's crazy lol ) .

But if you say short it's mean max 30 mins .. 


Now it's been 3 hr and 40 mins that no short my friends 

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Just now, Banana said:

I highly doubt they ever going to be releasing the full T5.

I also .... in my opinion, the team always wants the best and thinks the best, however I think they should prioritize more important things like T5, Map (M), Quest Guide (Q). For example the shadows, it's cool but it's not that important.



But I still believe that they are ready (T5) and will not release because of marketing and balancing.

Edited by lhyamauti

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Dear guys,

GMs are also humans. They need to eat, drink, take a shower and go to toilet many times.

How do they go to toilet in peace with your complaints? LOL.

Edited by royalhero

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Yes they Humans, but as ppl are writing,,, Gms and admins Should give more information about maintence etc. I would like a Discord server really it would help alot.

Edited by Omayron

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16 minutes ago, royalhero said:

Dear guys,

GMs are also humans. They need to eat, drink, take a shower and go to toilet many times.

How do they go to toilet in peace with your complaints? LOL.

It's not about the maintenance itself, it's about the communication with the community. There is NO added info on this ''SHORT MAINTENANCE". I mean come on, no info at all? for how long 4 hours now? with this SHORT MAINTENANCE..

their lack of communication to their community is horrible and maybe even a little terrifying.

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