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should we be allowed to keep out characters from the alpfa test time?

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should we be allowed to keep out characters from the alpfa test time?

level limit is 100, i think we should be allowed to keep our chars as reward for ''testing'' :)


else its pretty useless to play for now.

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should we be allowed to keep out characters from the alpfa test time?

level limit is 100, i think we should be allowed to keep our chars as reward for ''testing'' :)


else its pretty useless to play for now.

I think yes, coz its easy to get an account, if there's like a limit,

and if its just for some players, we can't keep, but if any1 can get

an account with an easy pm to AccountManager or something

will be fair if we keep it :P

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i like the idea of everyone starts from 0, with no privileges




but wll be much more easier starts with a lvl 100 character




we don't deserve a reward for testing IMO, we're cuz we ask to play here

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i like the idea of everyone starts from 0, with no privileges




but wll be much more easier starts with a lvl 100 character




we don't deserve a reward for testing IMO, we're cuz we ask to play here

its not privilegie, since any1 can get an account with just a pm.

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Atm, no.


It was supposed to be a test and make it easier to reach lv100 and some items.

Wasnt it about to bring back some old times... xping in low lvl maps and not to skip 50% of the content right after u killed few helloween mobs? We dont know if the droprates will stay as now.

It looks like some items r still getting changed, like shields so a item wipe would be still happen?!


Ofc its annoying to do all the quests again >.<

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Worst suggestion ever. It's clearly stated in announcement that there will be an account wipe and it would be unfair towards "newcomers" since it's better rates than its supposed to be.

Every item will be drop-able ingame but the drop rates that is now will probably be nerfed since it's way to high. (Especially Jera)

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i vote no.

is cool the idea to keep our chars, but if xp rate will be changed to x25, drop rate lower and without halloween mobs, is unfair for who will starts after alpha phase...

now is too easy lvl up, and u want keep ur char bcus u are lvl 105 xD

if sandurr let keep our chars from alpha phase, i will do each class lvl 100 now >.>'

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definitly not, everything is higher than it should be right now, which is an unfair advantage over those that will start when the rates are lower. Even the droprate is way too high right now. Also those who have obtained decent gear in this "test phase" will control the whole hunting market, which i think is wrong.

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coz the updates for the real server to start aren't a 100% complete yet and the game has still a few minor errors.

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then why not delete now, and start real opening now?

maybe they want tier5 complete to close the alpha test

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then why not delete now, and start real opening now?

read the very first post of sandurr



we're in a alpha phase to implement tier5 and test the new skills


bugs, balance etc.

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Ofcourse not!, sandurr told us that so it will be that way ;)

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