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Priestess Too strong in Bellatra (?)

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Hello, I would like to know how to beat the Priestess in SOD. It seems like staying in the middle of the arena with a skill that kills with a huge area and good damage something quite difficult to win.


Bellatra in all the sub-servers gets at least 3 occupied rooms, and whenever I go to sod I see two priestess and I end up being eliminated every time (Round 3). In addition to noticing that some high level chars are also eliminated against the priestess.


I already suggested keeping the top three in the round 3 for the 4 and keeping the first place in round 6 for the 7th. But it was not well accepted, although I did not understand why.


Anyway, I wonder if something similar happens to other players. Please leave feedback in the comments.

Edited by BlackLabel
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she´s not too strong, she got some advantage because the area skill, u need some strategies to beat her at round 3 isnt impossible but need to play good. Mobs there die easy since they are low lvl

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

If the priest is also good at SOD, it's impossible to beat her at R3 unless you are luck enough to get rabbie seal, on the other hand, if it is a pris that only uses auto click at middle, for sure you could beat it.

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Pick your battle. I have a mule a level 116 mech and when im in a playful mood i bring it to sod and in many occasions i always made it to top 2. There are several ways of skinning the cat, i do it by finding a slack time in SOD. Another thing, a derivative from desiderata. " for always there will be a greater and weaker character than you have." So rather than whining that prs are strong, just find way to win a battle by avoiding them. So time your entry properly.

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Playing sod by avoiding prs´s lol. Nice one

My knight can´t beat prs as well, if there are 2 prs in I always get eliminated in round 3.

And with a knight there is simply now way to beat them in round 3. 

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Because you didnt give any information about your char like level, weapon, max dam..., so no one here can ever tell you how to beat a Prs.


If you're just 12x and the Prs in another room is 15x, how can we advise you to beat such a beast :4_joy:.

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37 minutes ago, Zri said:

the Prs in another room is 15x, how can we advise you to beat such a beast


Agree, especially bengirl she's a 15x prs and she frequent sod. So when im playing with my prs and i see her also waiting to enter sod i just change server, for i know that the probability is very strong that his prs will defeat my prs...but a 9kk-11kk for a second place if you don't intend to exchange your monster souls is good enough.

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it depends. I agree that pris has a large advantage in SOD because her aoe has such a huge reach; it's also one of the fastest of aoe skill.

but if your char has similar level to her with good gear and good skills you can beat her

for example, eliminate all of the bee nest first before go for other mobs

Edited by heoantap

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Magical characters have to be supreme by punctuating solo. Non-magical classes already make the best group score, have more damage in the hunt of high level maps and pvp and you're complaining that exactly? It's already bizarre Fighter to score what scores here on this server ... The cry here is no different from the official server, always look bad when magic classes are better at something. Nonmagical players cry too much, they want to be the best in everything in the game. Speaks seriously...

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