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someone kS from my friends.

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someone call Mr.LambretaJR in CT3 just KS from my friends Durian,but he said report to GM,said that my friends KS from him,very funny.So i want to know GM can be check out who KS who first?

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Follow the report guidelines.

To make a KS report, you should take a screenshot of the spawn clean (nobody but yourself) for at least 30 minutes old. So, get the habit of taking screenshots every 30 minutes.

Then, send warnings to the KS players and take screenshots. Warn him through 10 minutes, then, when he/she KS for 10 minutes, take the final screenshot and make the report.

Following this guide, it is 100% garanteed that the reported player will be punished. But dont forget - you have to take screenshots of the spawn clean for at least 30 minutes old, so you can prove that the spawn was yours.

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