Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 I'll start with archer feedback (more will follow later) Changes are listed from what i liked the most, to the worst. I also would like it if other users share their experience about the skill changes in this topic. This skill has been made alot stronger. Finnaly the beloved pet of many archers can compete with the crystals and actually do a real nice job tanking for the archer players in hunting maps. Im very happy and satisfied with the changes This skill damage buff was very weak for a long time, and didnt compete at all with the likes of skills like Gods bless, and that while archer is a pure damage character. After the Skill balance this skill has been improved nicely, and archer can also give now his/her friends a nice buff. I really liked this skill in hunting purely because its a very relaxing skill, in combination with wolf, to hunt with. However the damage boost of 71% (wich should be 73%) was still bit dissapointing, i dont say its bad though. Unlike the rival skill of wind arrow, (never miss and +30% vs normal type) this skill do misses and has no dmg buff vs type's. If there would be a balance after this to fix few things, i would say increase its dmg boost a little more, but not too much. Afterall this should be quite dominating hunting skill due its risk that you die really easely between the 6 shots you cant use potion. The small damage/range/crit buff this skill received was nice, i think this skill is perfect as it is right now. Does linear damage wich is very high. and kills fast enough to be actually effective when u run circles to line up monsters. This skill definitley can compete with the new extreme rage of atalanta's, however u still dont tank good and u need alot of running and skill. From a useless skill, this one has been promoted to a usefull skill. It doesnt rival the likes of extreme rage though (it does for low lvl's) but its not so bad either. However i have a feeling the area on lvl 10 isnt quite 140.. even though discription says it is, but perhaps its just me. All in all, i think its a nice skill to level up with. Sure perforation is still better, but also requires alot more work This skill had greatly HP regeneration increased after the skill balance. It helps the archer for sure, however i would have imagened it would make a bit more difference then it actually does. In pvp it doesnt make a difference at all, but then again, regeneration is mostly usefull for EXP. I personally would increase its health regeneration even more (from 15.00) too 20.0 or 25.0 , it sounds perhaps high, but u also have 900 +- health on higher lvl & using bows.. so you lose health pretty fast aswell Secondly, the damage golden falcon does to monsters is pathetic, but that has to do with the Falcon skill, wich damage is very low, could use a buff also o_0 This skill is only usefull for ppl below level 100. All in all, archer skill balance was great, a few things could have been a little better. They only had a little improvement in PVP area (FoN), but their player vs monster was boosted nicely. My second feedback, i think it was obvious i do atalanta and archer first, since they are my favorites. Changes are listed from what i liked the most, to the worst. This skill had a damage boost nerf of 20% and a smaller range then before, I am glad they didnt put a delay on it. Yes the skill was very good, was almost as good as mage's AoE. not anymore now though. However it still remains one of the best AoE skills wich is good, because Ata isnt fun/relaxing to play if they would nerf this too much. Its fine as it is right now, wich is why its my favorite change, it was too powerfull before, cant really denie that. But now its good as it is. As first GM wanted to put a delay on twist javelin wich had a merely +100% dmg boost, Now it has been improved too +120% damage boost, wich will make it a nice hunting skill against demon type. With a total dmg boost of 150% vs demon type(120% + 30%), i think its okay for now. Shield strike, wich had barely any delay at all, has now a bigger delay. However putting pùtting skill points on it is still useless, because the stunning time, delay and even dmg doesnt increase on higher levels. About the delay time, i still think its too short, but i also think that GM should increase stunning time on higher levels. Sure this skill has been buffed alot, and is a ''okay'' option if you dont have enough Elite points for Extreme rage. However this skill strikes 2 times, wich often makes the second strike a waste of time and killing speed. Also the damage isnt that high due the fact ata's can only use 1 handed javelins, and unlike archer, theres no critical on it. After testing with 100% (wich seems high) this skill isnt so terrible bad as it used to be, but its not that good either yet. Perhaps we all underestimated the suckyness of this skill, and the dmg boost should be over 120% to be actually a good choice. However the ideal dmg % should be tested by high lvl and skilled players , but my gues would be between 120%- 140% due its small AoE. My third feedback is fighter. Changes are listed from what i liked the most, to the worst. I'll start with the change i liked the most personally for our lovely fighters. With a change from +100 health points too +250 health points, its a increase of 150 health. I think this was a posivite change for fighters, i dont think it matters that much when you exp, so you will notice the difference mainly in Bless Castle, or when you are hunting. The reason why i liked this change the most, was because fighters needed a small defensive buff, ofcourse not too much because that would overpower it, so +150 health would do the job that was needed withoud overpowering it. Also a change i really liked for fighters playstyle. In old times Berserker had a short duration because of the negative buff it caries, you lose absorption. Then after a time here in Wartale, the duration was buffed too 300 painly seconds of absorption loss for many, however some people like the long duration, and others dont. Thats excactly why there was only a change in time duration between levels, and not a powerboost, people can now chose their playing style, short powerfull damage, or long term dmg , but also bear the risk of taking more damage. Also a change in absorpton lost has been modified, from -60 absorption too -30. Lets face it, -60 absorption was just extreme. -30 absorption is fine as it is, combined with the choice of short or long duration. Short duration is in my opinion more usefull in Bless castle, combined with roar, while long duration more effective when you are hunting ( knowing you can use crystals) And this is the last skill that was changed during the last skill balance. The only thing that really was improved is the amount of monsters you can hit in a certain area, wich has been improved alot. However the static damage is still low, and its hard to find a good solution for this, because if you push the static damage really high, it certainly will be good for exp for higher levels, but then it would be way overpowered for lower levels. Now its more or less somewhere in between, leaning towards low levels. I personally wish that the skill this damage does could be improved when you reach higher level, like for excample Arrow of Rage, wich damage boost is based on your level. However i dont think that is possible, wich means we propably have to stick with this. All in all i have mixed feelings about it, its a good skill for low levels, but quite bad at higher levels. Perhaps in the future the exping skill for fighter will be Rage of Zecram wich also does AoE % based dmg (but small area atm) However that has yet to be seen. Adding everything together (also other balances), i think Fighter is back to its rightfull nr.1 position in PVP ability at high level(i dont count mech's atm due their bug with grand slam) However they are definitley not unbeatable, keep that in mind aswell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edgardo 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 Hello there... I think this is not the way... you have to put a meter E.G.: pikeman, that is already good, and assess all characters based on it of course, according with what the char is intended to. Then you could set the rest of the skills based and without breaking this initial balance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 Hello there... I think this is not the way... you have to put a meter E.G.: pikeman, that is already good, and assess all characters based on it of course, according with what the char is intended to. Then you could set the rest of the skills based and without breaking this initial balance. And what has your pristontale meter to do with skill balance feedback? Also what a char is intented to do is open to opinion from people wich often arent the same, since characters can do more then 1 thing. Eitherway, here i am only discussing the changes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edgardo 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 .. And what has your pristontale meter to do with skill balance feedback? Also what a char is intented to do is open to opinion from people wich often arent the same, since characters can do more then 1 thing. Eitherway, here i am only discussing the changes. you are right. i just told my opinion. IMO comparing individually is pointless. But it's ok if you doesn't think so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 Wow you've really put some efford in that there Easy4. Good job Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orfeo 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2011 What about mech? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 What about mech? i'll do fighter tommorow. Mech is bugged so wont do it & cant play high lvl mech D: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JazzyJazz 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 Wow. Excellent job. ^^b I like the organized, easy-to-read format and, I have to say, I love the new FoN. It's finally useful! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 What about mech? i'll do fighter tommorow. Mech is bugged so wont do it & cant play high lvl mech D: Mech ain't bugged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 Mech ain't bugged Sure, whatever u say, i wont do mech because i cant log a high level one. Tommorow i'll do my revieuw on Fighter, Pikeman and knight. However gogg, ur a high level mech, why dont you post your feedback here?. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 ok ok.. stop to complain.. lets go back to the time when Pikeman was overpower mech was immortal and fs was sux =( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haven 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 I'm not gonna lie....If you don't know who Easy4Me2Own is...I don't suggest arguing. His feedback is pretty damn accurate. And for good reason. <3 Marco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kenshiro 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 You can't compare how skills work in uPT with how they work on rPT. In uPT you have stronger weapons, higher stats on armors, shield and defensive pieces, also mobs have different stats (so even different defense/abs and att rating, not only hp). SO everything you say is about uPT not rPT. Example? lvl 120 javelin on uPT (perf, clean): 103-126, att rat 340 lvl 120 javelin onwt(perf, clean): 82-100, att rat 215 that's just one, but everything is way different. the difference is huge so all skills with a +% in damage gain more, in the end it's still like playing 2 different games despite all common features, keep that list on uPT because here it's missleading Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akira 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 ok ok.. stop to complain.. lets go back to the time when Pikeman was overpower mech was immortal and fs was sux =( yeah.. that times KS sux, ata too ^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 You can't compare how skills work in uPT with how they work on rPT. In uPT you have stronger weapons, higher stats on armors, shield and defensive pieces, also mobs have different stats (so even different defense/abs and att rating, not only hp). SO everything you say is about uPT not rPT. Example? lvl 120 javelin on uPT (perf, clean): 103-126, att rat 340 lvl 120 javelin onwt(perf, clean): 82-100, att rat 215 that's just one, but everything is way different. the difference is huge so all skills with a +% in damage gain more, in the end it's still like playing 2 different games despite all common features, keep that list on uPT because here it's missleading You're totally right about that Realmworld and Uniqueworld have different item stats, however their item stats is still quite compareable because not only the weapons are weaker here, but also the defensive items. Also i should mention that UniqueWorld and RealmWorld share the excact same balance. I never mentioned my feedback is perfect, but i can say its quite accurate. You are the one who is misleading here by saying there differences are sooooooooooo big, while they arent. Also i didn't just play UniqueWorld only, even though you are under the impression i am. Thats why i can say regarding the weaker items on Realmworld, its still okay. But you are free to disagree with me at anytime, however it would look better if you would post your own feedback, and after that critize me. I'm not shy for a discussion, but ur not giving me material to discuss with since i dont see your feedback. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kenshiro 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 I didn't want to offend you in any way. I don't have any high level character here (107 atm, i had a couple of 11x on unique) so I could only give feedbacks for low-medium levels, every high level character seems to be shy to say anything in here so appreciate your efforts. I still think that the difference is quite evident between unique and realm tho, when so much stuff is different it's very hard that they are balanced in the same way. For example 3-4 months ago i used to see level 12x archers killing Valento 'solo' in like 3-4 minutes, I remember not even 13x could do that on upt. That's just an example ofc. Anyway, my little feedback on fighters (my class) is shortly like this: Cyclone Strike: the difference in damage done to the targeted enemy is marginal (78% vs 80%), the increasing targets you hit is nice but the static damage still sucks after level 100 when you have to deal with monsters that have 10k+ hp. Besides in order to gain full benefits from CS you need to be able to tank at least a spawn of 15 mobs and doing that requires very good equipment from MD1 on, if you can't tank 15+ mobs you still have to go in low level maps like iron2, if you can you still have to deal with 10k hp mobs getting hit by 500ish damage... Berserker: good buff at higher levels, I like the option to have a short and long duration berserk so you can choose which one suits your playstyle the most (for example 30 secs is good for pvp, sort of hit and run, 300 seconds is good for hunting and it's even better if you use crystals). Boost Health: I don't know how much health 12x fighters with very good equipment have on realm world, definitely less than unique world by looking at the different mixing formulas and item stats on rings/amulets/sheltoms (and unique has throne set as well). I might guess something around 1500hp with full strenght on realm world? Then 150hp more is a good buff but nothing exceptional, i'd say it's balanced considering we don't have any defensive skill. Fighters still have one of the lowest AR in game (together with pikes), they can rely on Concentration but they have to give up to SA and that's not an option, they have Avenging Crash but it adds less AR than knight's GC, and GC even adds damage against UD. I am curious to know how many times 12x fighters miss with Bone Crush and Destroyer while hunting, considering that Pikes miss a lot with CL i can easily state that Destroyer and BC are almost useless while hunting (so bye bye to demons hunting) I think fighters have strong and weak points overall but if we compare them to knights or "new" mechs now they are on bottom of the chart. Fighters can't even give pt buffs or debuffs on mobs (all other melee can in some way) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zenet0 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 I didn't want to offend you in any way. I don't have any high level character here (107 atm, i had a couple of 11x on unique) so I could only give feedbacks for low-medium levels, every high level character seems to be shy to say anything in here so appreciate your efforts. I still think that the difference is quite evident between unique and realm tho, when so much stuff is different it's very hard that they are balanced in the same way. For example 3-4 months ago i used to see level 12x archers killing Valento 'solo' in like 3-4 minutes, I remember not even 13x could do that on upt. That's just an example ofc. Anyway, my little feedback on fighters (my class) is shortly like this: Cyclone Strike: the difference in damage done to the targeted enemy is marginal (78% vs 80%), the increasing targets you hit is nice but the static damage still sucks after level 100 when you have to deal with monsters that have 10k+ hp. Besides in order to gain full benefits from CS you need to be able to tank at least a spawn of 15 mobs and doing that requires very good equipment from MD1 on, if you can't tank 15+ mobs you still have to go in low level maps like iron2, if you can you still have to deal with 10k hp mobs getting hit by 500ish damage... Berserker: good buff at higher levels, I like the option to have a short and long duration berserk so you can choose which one suits your playstyle the most (for example 30 secs is good for pvp, sort of hit and run, 300 seconds is good for hunting and it's even better if you use crystals). Boost Health: I don't know how much health 12x fighters with very good equipment have on realm world, definitely less than unique world by looking at the different mixing formulas and item stats on rings/amulets/sheltoms (and unique has throne set as well). I might guess something around 1500hp with full strenght on realm world? Then 150hp more is a good buff but nothing exceptional, i'd say it's balanced considering we don't have any defensive skill. Fighters still have one of the lowest AR in game (together with pikes), they can rely on Concentration but they have to give up to SA and that's not an option, they have Avenging Crash but it adds less AR than knight's GC, and GC even adds damage against UD. I am curious to know how many times 12x fighters miss with Bone Crush and Destroyer while hunting, considering that Pikes miss a lot with CL i can easily state that Destroyer and BC are almost useless while hunting (so bye bye to demons hunting) I think fighters have strong and weak points overall but if we compare them to knights or "new" mechs now they are on bottom of the chart. Fighters can't even give pt buffs or debuffs on mobs (all other melee can in some way) Add that SA has been nerfed long time ago from 15% to 8% and it should back to 15%. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 Add that SA has been nerfed long time ago from 15% to 8% and it should back to 15%. long time ago it didnt stack with skills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lummel 0 Report post Posted January 21, 2011 I think it would be good to increase fighters concentration buff to make it really something worth choosing instead of swift axe. 160 attack rating at high lvl is about 10% AR increase, could be like 20% maybe (about 300-340 attack rating) Btw nice feedback, I would like to read your feedback on knights ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Artier 0 Report post Posted January 22, 2011 I agree with every bit of feedback there. (obviously i'm gonna speak form an archer point of view so...) I was thinking my self AoR doesnt seem 140 area, interesting you picked up on this too, might be worth looking into. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zenet0 0 Report post Posted January 22, 2011 Add that SA has been nerfed long time ago from 15% to 8% and it should back to 15%. long time ago it didnt stack with skills ofc it stack , thats why sandurr nerfed it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites