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Question about Itens Stack...

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In item shop description says: "Stackable" to some items like Xp Up ,Mana Aura, and others, but how this works?

Example 25% + 25% +25% Xp = 75%?? because i tested with Mana Aura and stack dont work.


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With stackable it means that if you use for instance a 24 hours EXP Potion and you already have one running in your character with 30 hours left in it, instead of replacing the one you're currently using, it'll stack, so instead you'll have 54 hours left on your EXP Potion! The EXP bonus however, remains the same. :208_hamster:

I suppose the description of the item needs to be improved, because if it only says 'Stackable', that's not specific enough and it may raise questions of what it really is supposed to mean.


From what I know though, this stackable feature is still not available, and at the moment you get a notice saying that you're already using one of those stackable items if you try to use one of those while you already have one active in your character.

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That would make life sooooo much better!!!!!  Especially when using easter eggs and chocolates.  Because the boost is random and you dont want to cancel the one you have on if you get another of the same.  I really hope this happens.

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