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Return player looking for active English clan

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I am return player , current level 123 FS class . 


Very active : play around 5 hrs during week

And 8hrs + during the weekend 


Looking for active clan that love to exp and hunt ,, doing party quest and sod . 


I am from Israel and my name is Kiel


Thanks a lot 



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I tried ,, not so active for what I am looking for :/ 

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He was in CHEER already, but most of us are playing casual, and since he is actively leveling up, it would be good if any other active clans would like to take in him, 


but my advise is to level up to Lv132 before joining another clan, because that is the level that you can join Death Island party quest, if you join other clans at Lv123, it would still be hard to party up with your new clan mates because everyone else are at least 13x and mostly 14x, and some 15x, that's how the level distribution are right now in this server,


I could rally people into making party, go for SoD, go for HUNT maps for hunting etc., but for making CHEER members into one party, sometimes only one 9x online, one 10x online, two 11x online, one 12x online, one 13x online and then me 14x online, so there is no way for me to rally in clan chat and make you all into one party, because everyone will be doing different Quest at different maps, 9x will go Iron2 or MD1, and 10x will go do MD Daily, 11x maybe FT Daily, and then 12x maybe AD Daily, so it's pretty hard to find party at low level, 


well for SoD, I have clan event and special rewards for 10x~12x CHEER members doing SoD together in one party, but apparently no one was doing the initiative to call clan mates together for SoD, you guys can't always rely on me to call clan chat and make party plays, that also waste my time since I wana do my own Daily,


and then for hunting, again at low level, it can be 9x to 13x, the level range is too great, so everyone will go to different HUNT maps, the best is for you to see if anyone else is 12x and ask in clan chat if he want to join you for a hunting trip,


and then for CT3 quest, it's kinda hard to find one every time you log in, so you may want to take the initiative to call for Killer / Lurer / Tanker in trade chat, I know it's pretty boring and a pain in the ass to AFK or do something else while waiting for CT3 quest, but that's how it is for a very long time,


otherwise, I don't think there is an Israeli clan, so you can private message Doenja / iNewbie for clan invite into Heretics / SimplePeople, but as I advise that I know you are much more active and you want to enjoy party plays, it would be best to grind up to Lv132, after that you can join Death Island party quest, which will be more available, and you can join other clan at that level, because most of their clan members are at least above that level, and so you can party them up.



I tried ,, not so active for what I am looking for :/ 

Most active players are 14x 15x here on this server, before that it's kinda hard to find many active low level players, try message Doenja or iNewbie for their clan invite, if you are active but still low level, I think they will still take you in, they have more hardcore players than CHEER clan.

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I really enjoy my time in your clan akasha, I think the system you try to work on is great and really helpful for people like me or really new . 

But I found myself play solo 99% from the time that I am on so I decide to try my luck with maybe Israeli or ohter active clans that speak basic English.  



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Hi Kiel.


Pls check ur inbox if u havent yet and lemme know if u wanna join us.



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I really enjoy my time in your clan akasha, I think the system you try to work on is great and really helpful for people like me or really new . 

But I found myself play solo 99% from the time that I am on so I decide to try my luck with maybe Israeli or ohter active clans that speak basic English.  




Hi Kiel.


Pls check ur inbox if u havent yet and lemme know if u wanna join us.





Great, gogogo.

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היי אם תרצה להצטרף לקלאן שאני מנהלת אתה מוזמן לדבר איתי במשחק.



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2 hours ago, KindlyGirl said:

היי אם תרצה להצטרף לקלאן שאני מנהלת אתה מוזמן לדבר איתי במשחק.



 וואו באמת איזה קלאן 

את מחוברת ?

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כל עזרה שתצטרך דבר איתי


bigpro =mule 

ואני מחובר גם לפעמים


והשחקן הראשי בסרביס מתאמן 24/7 161 sby



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