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Xp service.

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Hi, staff 


In my opnion, no continue with this service, after all the guys get up 24/24 never realease the spawn the game is half monotonous not only the viet hospitalized in all possible hour no game has no way nor pick up party is complicated after do forget 14x the xp is already difficult even more challenging slot in hs that is never vague complicated.

Whoever wants to up their own character, and leave slot for other players. Say NOOOOOOOOOOO to xp service.

Edited by lula

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So the problem is that Secret Lab Hellspawn is 24hr/7d occupied by a few individuals for their own clans and countryman and also for their exp. service, and your solution is disable exp. service, but exp. service helps to increase the donation to this server from players who donate to buy exp. service, so I don't think disable exp. service in this server is the right way to go, we rather need a solution to help legit players who don't play 24hr/7d to have a spawn that they can always find when they come online and at the same time keep the exp. service.


What other solution you guys can come up with? Try to give a win-win solution, so all three parties can benefit from it, so the server, the 24hr/7d players, the NOT 24hr/7d players can all enjoy their game.


There are actually many solutions on this forum already from what I read:

1. disable exp. service in SL (yours).


2. add more SL hellspawn (from bigpro).


3. add more EXP maps, because SL is a HUNT map, so I think people want 140 EXP map? (I forgot who said this).


4. add Party Quest to Ancient Weapon, so only Daily Quest in SL and this AW Party Quest need to give more experience than current SL hellspawn so people can move out of SL, and SL will truly be a HUNT map (someone said add AW Party Quest instead of adding SL Party Quest, I forgot who said this).


5. add Daily Quest in Iron Core just like other EXP map Daily Quest, I don't think this will solve the problem, but the NOT 24hr/7d people will complain less, because they can just go do their Dailies (from GreatKing, but I just expanded on his ideas).


6. AFK mules in party without casting any spells will gain 25% less experience, so this help to force active playing and less muling (well I'm just expanding on your idea, so rather than disable exp. service totally, now exp. service will earn 25% less coins per hour because the experience gained from mules are nerf-ed by 25%)


7. reduce SL hellspawn to have ±6 monster spawning point, so same as SL entrance, so you can either join 6-man SL entrance party but still doing 1v1 or you can join other 6-man SL party for spamming area skills (so everyone in SL gain the same amount of experience regardless of solo or party, my idea because I solo a lot, please don't hate me xD).


8. what else? go brainstorm and come up with your own ideas.


At the end of the day, whatever changes there are, people will always complain, but this problem has the most complain, almost everyone who is not able to get into SL-HS complains, I see complains on this forum, I see complains in the trade chat in game, I see complains coming from my own clan chat, literally everywhere and every now and then.

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