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Why dont those complaining do a test at ft2 for 1 hour urself. Best person to do is Fuel since hes 125++ ata then this will answer the question ^^


I think anyone can see, but ok, i will make a movie with ful pt in ft2 and ind ad2 duo with prs to show this...

And this stupids players can take your owner conclusions..

and Contas, is not 129-130, is 129-131 in 10 days..

I dont understand why just admins cant see this, but ok, the movie will show!

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my friend(ata) told me he got 30b/hour in ft1/ft2 when his level lower than 125.

so i believe it is true that ata solo in ft1/ft2 can get 30b/hour  without using hack.


u friend is crazy?

i train ft2 with 2 mg 12x .i´m 118 with xpot

doing 10% for 1hr

never 125 do 30% 1hr NEVER

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Why dont those complaining do a test at ft2 for 1 hour urself. Best person to do is Fuel since hes 125++ ata then this will answer the question ^^


I think anyone can see, but ok, i will make a movie with ful pt in ft2 and ind ad2 duo with prs to show this...

And this stupids players can take your owner conclusions..

and Contas, is not 129-130, is 129-131 in 10 days..

I dont understand why just admins cant see this, but ok, the movie will show!


cant wait to see this ^^

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I think people need to learn some english xD dang leave this topic till its clear, investigation is still on...

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my friend(ata) told me he got 30b/hour in ft1/ft2 when his level lower than 125.

so i believe it is true that ata solo in ft1/ft2 can get 30b/hour  without using hack.


u friend is crazy?

i train ft2 with 2 mg 12x .i´m 118 with xpot

doing 10% for 1hr

never 125 do 30% 1hr NEVER

If you don't understand people said (English properly), please keep your mouth shut and don't wording wrong and modify the people said

He said 30b/hour and you modified his word to 30%/1h for 125. I really don't know these guy doing...he is really crazy and said other crazy :)

For Fuel, don't give shit without use brain. Look from 129 - 131 how many xp need ? 3300 bil ? devide for 10 and you get 1 day for 330 bil

If 1hr / 20bil, will have 16h/day....Think about that, he is 24/24/7 ...I think he/she should get 132 not 131



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Fuel, I think this is good for you to read:


What causes jealousy?


An insight into the mind of the Jealous


So you're sitting with her that night; everything is going fine and you both are enjoying your time till suddenly he appears out of no where. He's better dressed than you are, he's handsomer and he approaches you and starts talking to her; your whole consciousness is focused on them talking; how he looks at her and how smiles at him. You're angry, scared, insecure and lacking confidence; to wrap it up, you're jealous.


Situations where you may experience feelings of jealousy


You may get jealous in any of the following situations:

    * when someone flirts with your girl

    * when someone achieves something you've been wanting but haven’t done so yet

    * when someone you hate succeeds

    * when someone manages to get something and you don’t think they deserve to


What are the causes behind jealousy?


If you think that you got jealous because of the way he talked to her or because of the way she smiled at him then you are wrong; jealousy, like most other emotions, is rooted internally, so a big part of the problem lies within you not as an extension of external conditions or circumstances. The following are possible root causes of jealousy:


    * Jealousy root cause #1:

      Lack of self confidence: The main cause behind feeling jealous is your doubting your abilities or skills; if you're one hundred percent sure of yourself, you'll never suffer any jealousy feelings or even if you do, they'd be brought down to a minimum.

    * Jealousy root cause #2:

      Poor self image : Having a poor self image is another cause of jealousy; if you think believe you look bad or that you are not that handsome, then chances are you'll be experiencing feeling of jealousy whenever you meet someone more good looking than you are

    * Jealousy root cause #3:

      Fear : One of the root causes behind feeling jealous is being afraid; this fear can be a fear of ending up alone, a fear of being shamed or a fear of losing the love your partner is providing you.

    * Jealousy root cause #4:

      Insecurity: Feelings of insecurity are the result of the two previously mentioned causes; a poor self image and a lack of self confidence Feeling insecure about a relationship can be a strong reason for you to get jealous.


The intensity of jealousy differs according to the situation


If you hate someone, you'll be most likely to be more jealous of him upon him achieving. If you don’t hate him so much then chances are the degree of these jealous feelings will be less intense. On the other hand, if it's someone you like who's managed to highly achieve, then you're not likely to feel jealous at all even if he's achieved higher than you have.

Jealousy and invading the private space


When someone becomes jealous he may start to invade the private space of his partner in such a way that results in relationship dissatisfaction for the one whose private space was invaded. In my book The ultimate guide to maintaining a healthy relationship i explained how acts like insisting on knowing your partner's passwords can make him/her dissatisfied and can ruin your relationship. Unless you have a strong evidence that proves that your partner is cheating on you don't ever invade his private space even if you were feeling jealous.

Jealousy; a friend or foe


The only thing jealousy is capable of doing is making you feel bad, ruin your relations or simply fill your heart with hatred. Upon feeling jealous, don’t go pick fights with others and blame external factors; fix yourself and these feelings of jealousy are bound to disappear.

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I have nothing against Vietnamese but I think there's something wrong when a guy makes a lot of experience in a place that normally does, and still had 3-4 players who sometimes gets sucking.


If the staff finds that although normal thing to do then take a test to get it over with. Let's do two tests with a full crew making experience and another with just two players making experience and sucking the other 4. Recalling that the items that will be used increases the experience


The rest just make an accounting of the experience to get it over with.


I'll make a point of testing with it right to show that you are wrong.

The GMs have to punish any hacker in this game that might be Brazilian, English, American, Koreano, Vietnamese but the game turns into a mess and ends up becoming a wasteland. and i love google tradutor

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I think he didn't hack, my ata just went from130 to 131 now at ft2, and only like...a week or so? With party too. DONT REPORT ME GUYS! I DON'T HACK

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I have nothing against Vietnamese but I think there's something wrong when a guy makes a lot of experience in a place that normally does, and still had 3-4 players who sometimes gets sucking.


If the staff finds that although normal thing to do then take a test to get it over with. Let's do two tests with a full crew making experience and another with just two players making experience and sucking the other 4. Recalling that the items that will be used increases the experience


The rest just make an accounting of the experience to get it over with.


I'll make a point of testing with it right to show that you are wrong.

The GMs have to punish any hacker in this game that might be Brazilian, English, American, Koreano, Vietnamese but the game turns into a mess and ends up becoming a wasteland. and i love google tradutor

Each person have their own reputation, I really don't give any damn of shit with this silly question in public to anyone before you have to think first. Don't be assume and give shit to other.

1) Test yourself first before conclude, Solo, Duo, Triple,...etc...and how much XP your got (with Different force, Big Head, your brain). I mentioned brain cause some ppl XP faster than other.

2) Make the prove, like how many person on party since the time xping (cause even one hour, two or three hours with different ppl on the party the XP will gonna change). I don't believe he is full party all the time from 129 to 131. So, if you don't have any prove don't give any damn here.

3) The time, and begin of percentage.

I don't think anyone give any silly question like Fuel did. Cause it is really silly and first time I've ever seen on my 10 years PristonTale experience. Cause nobody will testing this bullshit testing. You want GM to do testing this for you ? GM, ConstIt answer all your question as the best he could. That is he really generous and kindly to do testing on the char before, I don't think he will give anymore damn of shit.

If everyone say assume like you, GM will have nightmare everyday. The best they could do is following the rule of the game.

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BRo MinJee hahaah dont worry man i read those comments on this topic

n it really make me laugh man Admin already stand in and

explained it but they still dont accept it(cant handle the truth ahaha)

they r like vampire hungry for blood all they aim for is blood

just like wat they aim for now is to get u guys ban haha

so they could b the king once agian ahhaha :)


so watever u say to them is useless bro as long aswtAdmins c u guys

play legal that all u care


-peace love ya hater ahhahha :D

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I think he didn't hack, my ata just went from130 to 131 now at ft2, and only like...a week or so? With party too. DONT REPORT ME GUYS! I DON'T HACK

exp with hack huui. It can give ban. Dont leave your atalanta exping with shiny . If you leave you will be reported too.

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Kill faster = Faster XP


I cn up my ks 129-130 in 7 days by playing 12 hours a day. So why impossible if 129-131 in 10 days if 24/7? Furthermore Shiny n Nic are using 120 items.


Cool please.

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