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Maintenance time ?

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Oh, Hello.


Global message says, 1 hour, but who knows 

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Also closing the summer event and opening the distorted forset one today aren't they?

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17 minutes ago, jcompher said:

Also closing the summer event and opening the distorted forset one today aren't they?

Oh. hello.


Appear to be, since server time is almost 01/09

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Learn one thing. Maintenance in this Wartale does not have the right time to end, they may have said it will be 1, 2 or 3 hours but what we can do is wait, unfortunately.

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Just now, zikadograu said:

Learn one thing. Maintenance in this Wartale does not have the right time to end, they may have said it will be 1, 2 or 3 hours but what we can do is wait, unfortunately.

Oh, hello.


I've made a table of time comparison

  • 1 Hour = At least 6 Hours
  • 2 Hour = At least 1 Day
  • 1 Day =  1 Week
  • 1 Week = 1 Year

this is how i feels like..

  • Like 2
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32 minutes ago, Neither said:

Oh, hello.


I've made a table of time comparison

  • 1 Hour = At least 6 Hours
  • 2 Hour = At least 1 Day
  • 1 Day =  1 Week
  • 1 Week = 1 Year

this is how i feels like..

nice :D

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3 minutes ago, Tiagross said:

Oh, merda!

Quanto tempo demorarei? 

My friend, take it easy because fixing intrigues with adm's or gm's is not a good one.

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20 minutes ago, Tiagross said:

Ohh shit!!

How long will we have to wait? 

Oh, Hello.


We wait the time they want, there's no justify meanwhile maintenance, only after it 

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14 minutes ago, zikadograu said:

My friend, take it easy because fixing intrigues with adm's or gm's is not a good one.

Relax, Bro!

I'm don't wanna any intrigue with anybody... I'm just an anxious guy.

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3 minutes ago, Tiagross said:

Relaxe, Bro!

Eu não quero nenhuma intriga com ninguém ... Eu sou apenas um cara ansioso.

We all stay when something we want is taking time.

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The Best Russian Pk

dude, just a tip. go sleep, tomorrow it will be almost finishing the maintenance when u wake up 

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5 minutes ago, The Best Russian Pk said:

Cara, apenas uma dica. Vá dormir, amanhã estará quase terminando a manutenção quando você acordar 

It will be ?

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Mané dormi.. quero jogar.. to na abstinencia já bro :4_joy:


Edited by rastanit

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3 minutes ago, -DragonMech- said:

game back only tomorrow ^^

Haha and this because it was only 1 to 2 hours, let's do what now, just sleep

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" ...now we do not have any ETA for when the servers will be back online." Last time that happened it wasn't so good for us... :13_upside_down: let's hope for the best, nice rest for everyone 

Edited by thisisrauldo

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10 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:

"... agora não temos qualquer ETA para quando os servidores estarão de volta online". A última vez que aconteceu, não foi tão bom para nós ...  :13_upside_down: espero o melhor descanso para todos 

what is this "ETA"

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