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Mage Tank

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Hi, i make a mage tank and need some help:



tier 3


zenith: ¿?

mental mastery: 10!

energy shield: 10??

diastropism: 10!

spirit elemental: 10!


tier 4


distortion: ¿?

fire elemental: ¿?

meteorite: ¿?




spirit: for robe and shield mage and get 1k mana points

agility: for bots lvl 9

str: nothing

talent: for wand.......

health: all points in health



ty for some help...this ¿? not really i know


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Are you going to use a shield or an orb?


Put all this on lvl10, Zenith is a good skill but its least important so take that one last.


zenith: 10

mental mastery: 10

energy shield: 10

diastropism: 10

spirit elemental: 10


distortion: 10

fire elemental: 10

meteorite: 10


I got all these and I can tank AD maps very good. I use the lvl 115 orb agead +15 instead of a shield. Got 1,1k life and 2,2k mana.

I'm almost immortal in Sod with this build if you enjoy going there.


I recommend useing a Shield until you get a higher lvl, maybe switch to orb when you get arround lvl 115.


For the Equipment I got:


spirit: Balance with Health

agility: For boots/brac/gloves

str: For boots/brac/gloves

talent: for wand/orb/robe

health: Balance with Spirit


What I mean with balance health and spirit is:

If you take all on spirit and stay with health base you got alot of mana and low HP, I used that until I was lvl 115 and switched to orb.

If you take all on health on almost nothing on mana you will not be able to cast spells since you will be potting al the time.


Elemental Shield drains you mana fast when you are tanking high lvl mobs, so I recommend put:

100 and the rest on spirit, then when you get on a higher lvl you can change it, find you own build to tank as a mage.


I hope I helped you a bit ^^

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Mgs tank with orb highly aged. Does zenith actually working?


Yes, I feel a slightly difference. On the other hand I dont feel stronger when I use enchant, do not think it works, even that some people say it does.

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