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About new changes on skills

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Skill Changes:

  • Expansion No Delay
  • Tornado Range increased to 80 on level 10
  • Tornado Damage Boost increased to 62% on level 10
  • Avalanche Fixed Wrong Damage Boost
  • Chain Lightning # of Bolts increased
  • Glacial Spike min damage increased
  • Drastic Spirit to 22% on level 10
  • Double Crash to 50% on level 10
  • Grand Smash Atr Boost to 400 on level 10
  • Maximize to 50% on level 10
  • All Skill Pets HP reduced slightly


- Expansion no delay, why? We've experienced no delay on Expansion before, plus pikes don't need any other attack skill, they already got Chain Lancer that got no delay at lvl10, it's already pretty good


- Drastic Spirit boost, why? Why do knights need to tank even more than they already do? That makes no sense, seriously


- Grand Smash attack rating boost decreased to 400, oh that's what I thought would be cool. But I tested it and it's not cool. Mech's are nearly blind now. I don't want them to never miss, but they're missing too much


- Maximize reduced to 50%, that's what doesn't make ANY sense to me. A mech using +20 Dragon Hammer would get 159 average damage boost with Maximize on 200% (hammers and scythes got the same average damage by using Maximize 200%). They got the weakest attack skill, and the lowest meele attack power, for sure it wasn't Maximize that was making mechs that pro at killing. I think 200% was kinda too much, but now the same mech with the same weapon get like 40 average damage boost. And even worse, mechs are still far of what they should be when the matter is tanking




Please share your opinions~

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Maximize got weaker,but is still bugged.

Testing is simble.Equip you with Tiger Claw.In my case,my atk pow is 33-79 with it.Kill some certain mobs like Stone Giant with GS and no Maximize.Then use Maximize Lvl10.My atk pow becomes 33-81 with Maximize.The difference of average damage is only 1.Kill the same mobs with GS.You'll see you can kill them very faster.It's surely bugged.


So my opinion is fix the bug first and make Maximize Lvl10 200%.This will do.

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Gogg and dontcheat are both 100% correct.

You don't fix a bug with an over exaggerated nerf. Hell original PT's maximize is 60%!

I understood that mechs needed a nerf, but this is just killing off mechs potential to be an "everything" class. Now all we can do is play with bows or mindlessly sit in a spawn with mediocre AoE damage.

Fix the bug, put maxi back to 150% -200%


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So after patch i logged on and im used to post patch QQ about how bad stuff is. and whatever so i usually dont listen. So i go to Lost Island to hunt some noob stuff on my mech and i notice i lost over 150 AP and i miss like 3/4 times...i mean seriously we went from doing a bit to much dmg/hitting all the time whatever you wanna say. to now we cant do anything and everyone will go back to spark mech retardedness. UGH back to my mage i guess...Icemech out

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too much decrease in mech skils its almost same like before, imo either just decrease gs or maxim but leave 1 skil with still high % to balance the dmge or not miss too much


expansion for pike w/ no delay is better, its not 100% dmge boost anymore and if you dont know pike hella miss alot with CL

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Drastic Spirit baffles me but I think whatever is up with Mechs just needs to be sorted... I want them to be a great class but we also don't want them to be bugged super killers either =P


And expansion w/o delay is whatever, cause it's nerfed now... so basically if you are a class that lacks evade, you will get hit every time but easily pottable...

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Boosting knights makes no sense with me. I don't play mech so I don't know, but maximize should be maybe 150% boost if it wouldn't be so OP, which it shouldn't be according to the math formula. And why does ata never get any boosts, they still suck when comparing with other classes :o except exping maybe.

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only comment is on mech from me


Why oh why give us hope .


as mechs we can see a light to be what mechs are supposed to.


to cut off our nuts .. and make us less then before????



yea im back to spark n gonna lvl anyway.. mindlessly as it was put!!


in hope.. this is a short short time so called fix!!!!

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right now maximize is like useless...

and grand smash miss a lot... even with 1600 atk/rating.

about pvp ... it makes nothing , i know it was really Op but atm its like no damage ... xD like it was before

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I do not have a mech, but i thought it was a bit radical change. 'o_O


But mechs should compare it to the time before the unfair upgrade in the skills. it should be better now then it was in that time.

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Play as a mech forever will be unpredictable, mech changes to very good->very bad-> sightly bad->almost good etc. If you want surprises, chose mech as you main char.


And why Pikes and knights?


What i understood for pikes is: pikes aren't good in hunt, the mass kill aren't so good also. So they want to pike stay in edge atleast in PVP style. But why knights?

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I don't think a 2% boost on drastic spirit will be noticeable to be honest, that's like 50 defense tops. I don't know why it was put in though, as it has no real significant effect nor had a need to be changed. I'm not defending knight, I don't play one here and that was just my opinion. Most of these aren't rather big changes with the exception being mech and which I do think has a right to complaint in this case. Maximize definitely needs more than just a 50% boost, and it seems 600-700 or so is a better atk rating boost on GS if 1k was too much and 400 is too little.

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what about mech tanking


or auto mechs





ps: knights drastic spirit 2% up to compensate godly shield nerf. not going to change this back.

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what about mech tanking


or auto mechs

What's the point of auto mech? I've never found out why they existed O.o ppl use auto mech on rPT?

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expansion range got boost a lot, make pike becoming a half ranger?  and its still a 100%hit AoE


drastic got nerf in rpt long ago, official server 25% now rpt 22%


mech, dont have much to say, aslongas fix the atkpow bug

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Maximize 50%, are you kidding us ?

It takes one year to fix mech, and when he is ok, in one week they fuck him ._.

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I didn't really understand sandurrs post ._. K the fact mechs tank badass is enough for decreasing its attack but whats with automechs? I had mine auto but it seriously sucked since it kills about the same speed as you would using a claw hitting a monster.


Spark should be useable by javs and bows again and have it decrease its power slightly, then its awesome. or make it jav/bow only and make it have a %boost on you weapons attack power. make automechs usefull :P, and will make them use high lvl javs instead of some noobie jav just to xp quickly.


That will give you the choice, use automech/spark  or tankmech/impulsion


just a suggestion

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Mech don't tank badass, so that's no reason to nerf them


It's simple, some people can't live with less popular classes being better than them. Why Energy Shield and Extreme Shield get "fixed" about their bug that add more than their description? And why Godly Shield and Virtual Life still running with the same "bug"? Easy, mechs and mages are not as popular as some other classes, like knights and pikes. When they can't kill a mech or a mage they cry about it, and as there are way more popular they screw up the other classes


Look what happens to prs, I just said that on Portuguese Section. Just take a look at two situations

- priestess is the best char to train, even more after 120. Many people complain about that, it's unfair priestess being that good at training! Change skills, change maps, make priestess worse to train!

- VL got hidden powers. Who complain about that? Almost no one. Why? They like being on god mode while training, they like the huge extra powers VL give on PvP


A bit more of gaming experience please, no more numbers. Who cares about what % was the knights defense boost and what it is. They ARE the best tankers so far, even if they're not, they tank A LOT. There's no single point on making them better

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Mech don't tank badass, so that's no reason to nerf them


It's simple, some people can't live with less popular classes being better than them. Why Energy Shield and Extreme Shield get "fixed" about their bug that add more than their description? And why Godly Shield and Virtual Life still running with the same "bug"? Easy, mechs and mages are not as popular as some other classes, like knights and pikes. When they can't kill a mech or a mage they cry about it, and as there are way more popular they screw up the other classes


Look what happens to prs, I just said that on Portuguese Section. Just take a look at two situations

- priestess is the best char to train, even more after 120. Many people complain about that, it's unfair priestess being that good at training! Change skills, change maps, make priestess worse to train!

- VL got hidden powers. Who complain about that? Almost no one. Why? They like being on god mode while training, they like the huge extra powers VL give on PvP


A bit more of gaming experience please, no more numbers. Who cares about what % was the knights defense boost and what it is. They ARE the best tankers so far, even if they're not, they tank A LOT. There's no single point on making them better


K lets say they tank badass at pve and they should at pvp then..

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Mech don't tank badass, so that's no reason to nerf them


It's simple, some people can't live with less popular classes being better than them. Why Energy Shield and Extreme Shield get "fixed" about their bug that add more than their description? And why Godly Shield and Virtual Life still running with the same "bug"? Easy, mechs and mages are not as popular as some other classes, like knights and pikes. When they can't kill a mech or a mage they cry about it, and as there are way more popular they screw up the other classes


Look what happens to prs, I just said that on Portuguese Section. Just take a look at two situations

- priestess is the best char to train, even more after 120. Many people complain about that, it's unfair priestess being that good at training! Change skills, change maps, make priestess worse to train!

- VL got hidden powers. Who complain about that? Almost no one. Why? They like being on god mode while training, they like the huge extra powers VL give on PvP


A bit more of gaming experience please, no more numbers. Who cares about what % was the knights defense boost and what it is. They ARE the best tankers so far, even if they're not, they tank A LOT. There's no single point on making them better


;) ;) ;) Gogg is right

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you all should SIMPLY NOT COMPARE any char with knights, since they are overpowered (yet).


everyone wants to be overpowered as knights do?


come on!

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oldest in my memory i can remember

maximize is 80-100% and grand smash atr 200-300

make mech can few kill


new update version maximize is 200% and grand smash atr 2400

make mech can high kill


last update maximize very down to 50% and grand smash atr 400

make mech never kill


it nothing good new for mech only down to baddddd (bad from original mech)


u can see ancient skill at EPT here for comparing



with unbalance about mech and the first time i dont agree with Sundurr


maybe if almost of mech go to BC with automech

skill automation with new unbalance will drop 390% to 50% boost damage "(-"'""-)"



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