Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 -Definitions are important when going about fixing things. A bug is usually something you want to erase, something that should've never been there in the first place and is causing unfavorable operations as such. If VL was certain to be a bug, we would want to eradicate all of its extra effects. If VL was not certain to be a bug, we may only want to remove part of it because it is OP rather than a bug. The two have very different effects for Prs users. [slight nerf vs removal of all other effects]. This is why definitions are important in this case THAT IS THE POINT OH MY GOD VL is CERTAIN A BUG CERTAIN OP? Like "Virtual Life: increase the character's HP by 200%", that seems OP to me! But VL says: 30% of HP... I'm fine with that, says 30%, add 30%... but my HP regen gets 3 times faster, and somehow I'm in god mode on a spawn I couldn't stand before! VL don't have anything like that on it's description So yea, why did you bring any definition? It's clearly a bug, nothing about OP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koleo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Moron is a controversial term once used in psychology to denote a category of mental retardation, having a mental age of between eight and twelve years, or a city in Argentina, to the west of Buenos Aires. Depending on how you define it. I'm not going to argue with you because you are and egotistical moronic idiot that is too stuck up for his own good. It's like you are 16 and just discovered a few new words to increase your vocabulary and need to take it out on some people on a video game forum. Like I said; stop veering this thread off topic, it is about mechs and how they lost their ability to be powermechs, not about how you define a word. Also it seems like you are defending VL as if it is your baby and rely on its super powers so you don't want it fixed. Maybe I am wrong but that is sure what you're coming off as. If you don't have anything of use to contribute to this thread then please, by all means, go fail troll WoW or some shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 -Definitions are important when going about fixing things. A bug is usually something you want to erase, something that should've never been there in the first place and is causing unfavorable operations as such. If VL was certain to be a bug, we would want to eradicate all of its extra effects. If VL was not certain to be a bug, we may only want to remove part of it because it is OP rather than a bug. The two have very different effects for Prs users. [slight nerf vs removal of all other effects]. This is why definitions are important in this case THAT IS THE POINT OH MY GOD VL is CERTAIN A BUG CERTAIN OP? Like "Virtual Life: increase the character's HP by 200%", that seems OP to me! But VL says: 30% of HP... I'm fine with that, says 30%, add 30%... but my HP regen gets 3 times faster, and somehow I'm in god mode on a spawn I couldn't stand before! VL don't have anything like that on it's description So yea, why did you bring any definition? It's clearly a bug, nothing about OP Apparently you missed all the posts where I clearly explained intent vs user knowledge <__<. @koleo: -Moronic is between 8-12, idiotic is between 3-7, 7 and 8 to me are along the same line [the limits of each term]. I could say there is the possibility of being one day's difference between the two if I wanted to be really technical. What I said has at least some merit. -All topics go off topic at some point or another if left open long enough -What you said about my defense of VL could said to be the same as all the mechs clinging to maximize as the things that makes or breaks power build and ultimately what the topic is supposed to be about. No real difference between what I'm doing and the other people in this topic, we're all defending our classes, its bias we all have and silly to deny. Well if we're going to go off into psychology, I could note your sudden flare in anger after my response to your posts. It seems things didn't go as you intended and now you're swearing at me and telling me to screw off. Typical. I believe my arguments are clearly detailed and explained so that people can understand my viewpoint. If swearing and giving generic insults is somehow contributing to the topic more, then by all means please enlighten me . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koleo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Hmm yes because I see how how defending a bugged skill (which isn't fixed only due to the fact that people benefit from it) and the destruction of a whole class is the exact same. I see where you are getting at. Just because a thread can go off topic doesn't give you the right to. In fact I wont reply to any more of you moronic idiotic posts unless it has something to do with the original topic of this thread. Kthxbai baby girl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Apparently you didn't realise that your posts says absolutelly nothing because no one cares about any definition of bug because we're all talking about a game The ones talking about a game know exactly what they're talking about, so they don't need your definition to help them Your arguments are clearly detailed and explained, but also pointless Enough of this, feel free to discuss VL somewhere else Last skill changes we're not cool, it's pretty clear to me. Maximize is even worse than it is on it's original stats wtf? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Hmm yes because I see how how defending a bugged skill (which isn't fixed only due to the fact that people benefit from it) and the destruction of a whole class is the exact same. I see where you are getting at. Just because a thread can go off topic doesn't give you the right to. In fact I wont reply to any more of you moronic idiotic posts unless it has something to do with the original topic of this thread. Kthxbai baby girl Mechs benefited from the Maxi boost/GS attack rating boost that was later "fixed". How come that was fixed if things that benefit people aren't fixed even if they're bugs? Edit: @Gogg: Simple programming definitions have no place in a game [which is the result of programming]? Apparently the "people" you refer to don't really know what they're talking about. So far, I have been given only insults and repeated statements to my claims. If they really know, they could define it themselves and back it up which has yet to happen. Alas, you're a moderator and doing your job telling me not to go off topic which I am horribly guilty of at this point. I will discuss it elsewhere if need be later on. As requested, I won't go off topic in this thread again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HanJie 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Apparently you didn't realise that your posts says absolutelly nothing because no one cares about any definition of bug because we're all talking about a game The ones talking about a game know exactly what they're talking about, so they don't need your definition to help them Your arguments are clearly detailed and explained, but also pointless Enough of this, feel free to discuss VL somewhere else Last skill changes we're not cool, it's pretty clear to me. Maximize is even worse than it is on it's original stats wtf? I wouldn't say maximize is worse than before (if you mean before the OPness), even though the numbers are lower, Wartale said it works with GS now(unless it still bugged), so any boost is better than no boost. I think maximize is fine the way it is, leaves options to auto/tank instead of all power mechs in server, should increase GS ATR by 200 though ^ argue as much as you want, but keep in mind mech has the highest melee weapon boost (50%), maybe that's why maximize was low in the first place? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 I don't know why but, when i read this topic, a smille come to my face. Now Godly Shield ABS increase do NOT stack with 2 hands. Well, 2% of Defense increase will do nothing, seriously. Why not to change to what it was before? 33% of Defense increase? Now Godly Shield do NOT stack with 2 hands, so, why not to make Devine Shield block rate to go back to what it was before, 6% @ lv 9? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Well, 2% of Defense increase will do nothing, seriously. Why not to change to what it was before? 33% of Defense increase? Now Godly Shield do NOT stack with 2 hands, so, why not to make Devine Shield block rate to go back to what it was before, 6% @ lv 9? YESH PL0X Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unknown 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 I don't know why but, when i read this topic, a smille come to my face. Now Godly Shield ABS increase do NOT stack with 2 hands. Well, 2% of Defense increase will do nothing, seriously. Why not to change to what it was before? 33% of Defense increase? Now Godly Shield do NOT stack with 2 hands, so, why not to make Devine Shield block rate to go back to what it was before, 6% @ lv 9? Lol guy, are you crazy ?? Ks is one of the best, it if he not the best and you still want to improve he. you need to play more than just wanting to get more and more benefit to your class. if sometime i have offended you, really sorry, i just want to open your eyes to reality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edgardo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 @unknown and @ vodka do not feed 'em Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Artier 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 +1 Zero. I said that somewhere else, only much more concise. I gave up alot sooner than you did in trying to talk sense into people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy4me2own 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 Why boost knights, they are powerfull as they are, that shield skill gave them buff on 2 hand was a bug that is fixed. Not a reason to increase they defence again imo. About vl, gogg said all. expansion no delay = crazy? @ mechs. i think if they made a nice boost on their aoe that they atleast can exp a bit , then playing mech would be alot more fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starmagic 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 I'm agree with zero in pve perspective even you removed VL skill people still solo they just take smaller spawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 If you dont get my point, i'll make it for you. Drastic Spirit 33% Devine Shield 6% of block @ Lv 9 Well, stop talking that Knights are overpower and blah blah blah and give me strong and convincing evidence. Whats is so different here onwtthat makes Knight to be overpower? Ohh, that shitty thing about God Bless 100-100? Don't be serious! I'm not asking to increase Knights skills, i'm just asking to increase to the same rate that Knights had on the beginning, and on every other Priston Tale. Their defenses skills are NERFED. If you talk that NO, they AREN'T nerfed, so, give-me proofs. A Special Formula or Bug that only have here @ rPT? All your complains about Godly Shield was succesfully, now it do not stack with 2 hand, and i think it's is _FAIRLY_ enough to balance 100-100 of God Bless. I've talked before, i preffer my 33 ATK pow increase with 33% of Defense and 6% of block than 100 of ATK pow with this nerfed Drastic Spirit and Devine Shield values. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 26, 2011 - Best PvP - Best xper - Best hunter Tank easily, kill a lot, train fast Is that enough for you? Don't come with numbers if you don't know how they work So your point is that you think you do know what's happening when you just don't Try to read what people said to you MANY times:wtis DIFFERENT from ANY OTHER PT server All you've learned about skills stats so far, just forget Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted January 27, 2011 Just seems another bla bla bla to me. My Knight is working like any other PT, the only one difference is it's defense from Drastic Spirit works on PvP. (Every other Priston is bugged.) Now, Godly Shield do not stack with 2 hand. All your complains about your experience inwtties up to the same fact: Knight is specialized in Undead, then he can EXP fast and hunt because these maps here is made of Undeads... Your point and argument is weak, the problem is the map, not the class. Bring some evidence that show us a clever difference on Knights defenses skills (or formulas) that are different here onwtto any other server (aside its lowered values and undead maps) that make them a OverPower to you. Every claim needs it's own evidence. Everything without it is just blablabla and ordinary, clueless spoken words. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Odoaker 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2011 Yup no one needs a tank if they have a prs walking around giving everyone 6 minute god mode rendering mechs tanking skills useless. Now all we have left is what? Automation? Cause powermechs are out of the picture. Nice there goes the use of 90% of our skills... Tank mechs were not made useless by VL, but things like instant-pot being used when the abs/def caught up. I'm not denying VL has a part in it, but its only one part of a much bigger picture that often gets ignored in this debate. -As I said instant pots play a huge role in this. This has been here since the very beginning of the game and its simply a part of PT. Its probably the only game I've ever seen with instantaneous hp potions that also restore all of your health. -We also play on a private server with far more available OP equipment, gems and so forth giving stats beyond comparison to retail. As long as I live for one skill I can pot and be back at full. I did this in retail back when people would've called me an idiot for going with a non-hp build. It wasn't economical with pot usage, but the important part is it worked. I had more damage and did things faster, the hp meant nothing so long as I could live to the next instant pot. -People solo things w/o VL, while it makes it easier, its not always a necessity. Don't tell me you've never seen people solo anything or any spawn w/o VL. Those near 7kk mage sod solos aren't because they have a prs in the room to VL them. Its proof of the boosted abs/def and overall stats through levels we have here in a private server. People would still solo things even if it were completely removed, they would just take spawns that are smaller. VL boosts our power to take on larger spawns, it doesn't change the fact we can still solo monsters w/o it. Many of us here have played retail before, and I'm sure we remember that VL had the same effects there and didn't always save us. It makes sense, it wasn't instant godmode with the low stats we had on retail, in fact it usually just barely saved you from death sometimes and often you died regardless. The reason its different here is because when you take the other factors into account, it is what pushes a char over the hump in doing things that seem crazy. Challenge to opponents of VL: -People say VL encourages "solo mode". Even if VL be all together removed, I have more than enough gear to cover taking on at least half what I did before, even though like I said above, it may not be economical pot usage. [Pots aren't a problem here anyway] VL doesn't change fundamental facts. People have this idea that if its nerfed or removed, that suddenly classes like FS will start landing parties. VL has nothing to do with kill rates, which is the fundamental basis for all exp. Exp is what determines whether or not you will party someone unless you have an inherit need for some ability you can't supply yourself [tanking, healing, etc]. Given the easy aging, levels, etc of a private server, I will never need these tank abilities from others since the epic stats will guarantee I can do it to some extent. Sure, you slowed down my solo exp rate by limiting how many monsters I can fight, but as long as I have 2 monsters FS is at an instant loss. I can still solo faster than joining up with most parties because nothing changed in the balance of how fast we kill. Nerfing VL will not make classes like FS kill any faster in the AoE department. As long as I kill faster, I have an advantage in exp soloing. <------------This is the fundamental problem. - The point of this is trying to remove tanking abilities to force us to need others is rather useless. This isn't retail, we have epic gear, gems, ages, etc. that more than supply what we need to tank basic spawns. If all else fails, you abuse the easy leveling to gain the stats necessary to do so. - Wartale has the right idea changing exp ratios. At some point, even if someone kills slower than me, I will still gain more exp if the ratio is good enough. This is what will create incentive to party. If you boost the party exp ratio higher and reduce the individual exp per mob, it will hurt those who solo and favor those who party. The difference from now would be parties gain exp at a slightly faster rate than before [with a good enough ratio] and soloers are hurt a lot by the significant exp reductions per mob. -There is also a growing fundamental problem in encouraging party play that we experienced on retail. The lower maps are becoming deserted. As time goes by in any game, the average user grows stronger and higher level. Many veterans probably never experienced this and don't take this into consideration, back when they joined every spawn was probably filled to the brim with parties. Lower levels get punished if they become unable to play without parties, since there aren't many around for them anymore. If it were like the old days and I need mech/prs/mgs/assorted melee to do anything, I would never find the people necessary to do so. I'd struggle for no exp and eventually probably give up in frustration as many users on retail did [i wasn't one of them, I played in the old days] Boosting the party ratio and nerfing individual mob exp on higher maps gives the higher levels reason to join up, and it means newbies can still solo what they need to join the crowd, and get even greater exp should they find a mate to party with. This would advantage all sides of the debate. Sorry for the wall of text, but instead of people taking their misguided anger out on prs for what really is a MUCH larger issue than VL, hopefully they will read and respond critically to what I wrote. I don't know what server you sir are playing on; but here on Wartale Vl is Godmode because it is bugged. Of course people solo without vl, but it usually means they take smaller spawns or lower lvl maps (which has been fixed a little with the latest patch if you read it). This, although, is totally not what I am talking about and is veering way off topic. I was saying that since PRS can put people into godmode or themselves into godmode with bugged VL then there is no point for a tanking mech therefore rendering tank mechs useless. Also my argument is being justified in this sense because if tank mechs are not of use in this server then it has a deep impact on my character seeing as how I can no longer be a powermech. Wrong. According to what u were trying to say, VL was bugged a long time ago ( or actually not bugged) on the pre-EPT, EPT, KPT, other official servers and of course the same to all private servers. So, to make it clear, realm PT is not the exception. In ePT, VL only gives you the extra hp, but here inwtit feels as iff your defense/abs/block rate is lifted too. VL here is definitly not the same as in ePT, take that from someone who came from ePT a month ago =p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2011 My Knight is working like any other PT, the only one difference is it's defense from Drastic Spirit works on PvP. (Every other Priston is bugged.) Now, Godly Shield do not stack with 2 hand. Indeed. I had a 121 KS on another server and the DS did not work propperly. Here it does and I can notice it, even on this noobie knight I got Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 27, 2011 Just seems another bla bla bla to me. My Knight is working like any other PT, the only one difference is it's defense from Drastic Spirit works on PvP. (Every other Priston is bugged.) Now, Godly Shield do not stack with 2 hand. All your complains about your experience inwtties up to the same fact: Knight is specialized in Undead, then he can EXP fast and hunt because these maps here is made of Undeads... Your point and argument is weak, the problem is the map, not the class. Bring some evidence that show us a clever difference on Knights defenses skills (or formulas) that are different here onwtto any other server (aside its lowered values and undead maps) that make them a OverPower to you. Every claim needs it's own evidence. Everything without it is just blablabla and ordinary, clueless spoken words. I won't keep it up. I know, and almost everyone here, that knights ARE overpowered You can keep dreaming about your skills, that won't happen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted January 27, 2011 You will not keep up becuase you can't. You can't prove your speechs, coz you're lacking decisive evidence. (*Take that Phoenix Wright!*) Keep dreaming, someday Mechanicians will be extremely tanker and extremely powerfull. When this happen, you'll realize the same things that happens to Pike on every server, to Knights here, will go to the mechs. And if you like the job, not to it's power, you're gonna do the same thing like me. If this happen, my mech is ready too. Using a Knight, Pike, Mech, Fighter... Really don't matter to me. I just like Knights, on any game. But, if the diff is so strong, i don't care about playing with others jobs if they are so better. Almost everyone wants to use what is the most stronger. So far so good. Who cares about it, we cares about fullfiling our ego. If i can not defend my fav class, well, it's so easy to change to another... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koleo 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2011 Keep dreaming, someday Mechanicians will be extremely tanker and extremely powerfull. When this happen, you'll realize the same things that happens to Pike on every server, to Knights here, will go to the mechs. And if you like the job, not to it's power, you're gonna do the same thing like me. Lol the idiot just contradicted himself and agreed that knights are OP like most pikes in other games or other knights in pservers. On topic about mechs not knights You guys pumped about what 3R is coming up with or what? I'm excited for maxi to be usable and for impulsion! God I love impulsion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted January 29, 2011 Most of that on mech suggestions were common sense. The good things I've seen was the Mech Bomb being useful for auto-mechs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobaldo 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2011 Auto-mechs are pretty cool, now...but not even close to be a pvp build, or a xp build..just a fun build (maybe to hunt) But tanker mech isnt that good... And I must agree with Gogg...Kinas are OP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koleo 0 Report post Posted January 29, 2011 Yeah they should be common sense, but doesn't seem like it was at the time for sandurr when he fkin made it 50% Hopefully 3R and all of us mechs can knock some common sense into the GMs on this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites