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I haven't played PT in years, questions about classes!

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Hi! I played PT more than 10 years ago, I played on an off since then. I'm wondering how are Knights in endgame? Do they get invited? How are magicians? If these classes aren't viable for endgame what classes are? What classes get invited to endgame groups? What are the top PvE and PvP classes?



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Knights become lurers (aggro mobs and pull into aoe dmg or the mech whos tanking) only, lategame. They can do decent dmg but not comparable to other classes, and they have the disadvantage of being melee.


Magicians are close to un-viable (they recently nerfed Stone spike which was their main source of damage) and they fall off pretty hard at lategame because their damage doesnt scale very well. They are very good solo grinders for early / mid game.


Top PvE, hard to say they all do different things, but one class that is mandatory alot of the time is Mech, and they are in short supply. Slowest class for soloing tho. For hunting late-game Archers are great. Good damage and a pet that tanks for them. Priests are always welcome too, VL (30%hp buff) is OP, and they do have the best aoe spell imo... but there are alot of them.


Pikeman are just very rare, they used to be all the rage back in my day but they might be shitty now, idk, just not very popular.

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Thanks for the reply! How are fighters? Are they the "best melee" for endgame?

Edited by Ragga

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There is no such a best char here .. 

Everyone can do anything .


Just pick the best char for you and your play style.  

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Kind of hard to believe. Every game has a META. I also remember playing on and off throughout the years being told as a Knight to lure, that's boring. I've also read on the Magicians sub-forum of people complaining about what @vampe2265 said above. I'm just trying to get the current META. I know for a fact that once your level 125+ if you aren't certain classes you WONT be invited to hell-spawn groups. I say this from experience, as I was usually the one left out or kicked for "not luring enough".

Edited by Ragga

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 Ill tell you some facts and some stuffs from my own exprience:

1. About endgame invited classes to parties as killers : ss,prs, as.

2. Endgame invited tanker: mech, one and only

Rest are lurers, and ofc you can get killer slot who arent those classes, they are just more wanted. That about what happens in endgame, but I can tell you from my experience that fs and ks are good too, and if they will coperate better with the tank, and the tank himself will be good , then ks and fs can be better than prs and as at AOE DPS, but it is depends mostly on who is the player. Ill note that when ks still had LS and was OP at PVE, my fs was wanted at parties, mostly cause I could coperate well with the tank, and fs and as damage didnt change, only LS, and as was really unwanted class back then,and I can tell you that even without LS, ks is still good ( for party quests), so do the math ;)

Also about ss, At AOE ss> fs , 1v1 damage fs> ss as some1 who played both.

In the end, the player is the matter, but there are bonds that ks cant pass ( like sod r3 if he is against prs/ss  at other 2 rooms ), and there are bonds that ata/as cant pass too ( farming gold solo ct3 when compared to ks/ss) 

About mage I cant say anything cause no idea.


My opinion is just take the class you like the most, I spesificly like ss and ks cause they are the most independet classes in game who can do everything( mage can do a lot too, but a bit less with hard timd on 1v1 bosses endgame, and the mana drain of energy shield).  Btw also t

he main reason Im into ss/ks is cause I like to be independet, and like defensive chars, I quit fs only cause of his ability to tank a lot of monsters, which doesnt matter at endgame exp cause the ms uses comp to tank for you.



If you are looking for pvp, then its pretty balanced, and more depends on the player, except that prs is underpowered at pvp.

Btw pikes are bad at pve, and ass is completly underpowered atm.

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