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Armys of undead ??

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Seen this msg along with others poping up in game yesterday "Army of undead arriveing in 1 hour etc" what are these about?? Im a returbing old school player from ept so most of this stuff new to me im learning just wondering if thats some kinda event or something and if so where at??

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Its kind of an event for players 120+. You join it via the guard in ricarten standing on the bridge, named Sirius. When you complete killing whatever encounter it is, and survive, you will gain a random reward. It can be anything from experience to very expensive rings/amulets:)

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3 hours ago, vampe2265 said:

Its kind of an event for players 120+. You join it via the guard in ricarten standing on the bridge, named Sirius. When you complete killing whatever encounter it is, and survive, you will gain a random reward. It can be anything from experience to very expensive rings/amulets:)

where is the guard in Ric??  because I am lvl 128

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On 2017-10-20 at 10:15 PM, Demeron said:

where is the guard in Ric??  because I am lvl 128

 You join it via the guard in ricarten standing on the bridge, named Sirius.

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