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Boss Map

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I'm new around and im doing the Vamp quest, my question is, do we have a boss map here or we have to wait everysingle hour to kill each one of them

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11 minutes ago, hisoka66 said:

Oh tyvm, 1-3 respectively or just random.


Respectively, you'll notice the monster you have to kill is called "xxxxx Vamp Dummy" and each forest will have a different one.

Also, there is no specific location in the map to find them as they can appear in any spawn.

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Where is this Mystery Forest? I have been stuck on this stupid quest for dayysss now.... Also, where TF is Atlantis Town?.... I really wish we had a wikia or something....

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On 11/28/2017 at 2:38 AM, ChaoticFury said:

Where is this Mystery Forest? I have been stuck on this stupid quest for dayysss now.... Also, where TF is Atlantis Town?.... I really wish we had a wikia or something....


Gonna use words from one of your posts TF bro this isnt EA... lol but no rly check youtube u can find most of the quests on videos their thats where i always look if im stuck on a quest from years ago i dnt remember when leveling a new guy up

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Wordddddd!!! Thanks for the help boss! 

P.S. Ya i like TF, one of my new fav abbreviations. 
P.S.S. Did you actually get my "joke" from saying "This isnt EA" in the other post? hahahaha. Wasnt sure how many, if any where going to catch it. 

- Chaotic 

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