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Minjee Pwned

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This topic has priceless written all over it.


- Hey, my internet is better than yours.

- Oh yeah? Guess what. My country has big breasted girls infected with aids because our favelas don't sell condoms in their "pharmacies". They sell marijuana, though. Does your country have that? NO! Haha, noob!


lol, ok, baba-ovozinho

we're all monkeys and vietnam is the best country in the world in any category


Stop crying. You're just jealus cuz Europe has the hottest girls + nice internet.



Disagreed. Canadar wins in every aspect.

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how can some ppl from other countries be such a viet-ass-sucker and keep defending them... kk'

and btw, brazilian girls > all


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Brazil still have the most beautiful girls, FACT


But who cares ? I'm a fat nerd playing MMO, just like you guys LOL.

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Brazil still have the most beautiful girls, FACT


But who cares ? I'm a fat nerd playing MMO, just like you guys LOL.


even if u're a nerd, u can pay for some hot girl kk'

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A hurts B's feelings.

C hurts A's feelings.


Hi, I'm C.


This is how bullying rolls, biiiitcheesss.

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bullying = sorry that psychologist have created to homossexual feelings!

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Bullying is a form of abuse. It involves repeated acts over time attempting to create or enforce one person's (or group's) power over another person (or group), thus an "imbalance of power". The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target. Bullying types of behavior are often rooted in a would-be bully's inability to empathize with those whom he or she would target.


Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as psychological manipulation. Bullying can be defined in many different ways.

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bullying = sorry that psychologist have created to homossexual feelings!


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when my grandfather used to be a child, my father, and even i used to be a child, everybody used to punch the fat boys, to cheat the ugly girls, to call me nigger guy, to dont talk to the losers and lots of things!

this is about childhood and about learning how to solve ur problems and even to deffend urself!

nowadays the children/teens can do nothing, because some fags cant take their problems and another fag created this 'bullying' shit...

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when my grandfather used to be a child, my father, and even i used to be a child, everybody used to punch the fat boys, to pretend we were strong and manly, because deep down, all of us knew we had to disguise our homossexuality, otherwise we would be doomed.

this is about childhood and about learning how to take your frustration on the little guys because daddy looked at me in a "funny way" while I was showering!

nowadays the children/teens can do nothing, because stronger and smarter bullies might show up and beat the shit out of us.

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U guys started!  8)


Brasil FTW joke  ;D




I'd LOVE to get aids from the 3rd one :D

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U guys started!  8)


Brasil FTW joke  ;D




I'd LOVE to get aids from the 3rd one :D

wtf... :x

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