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Prs 136 can kill pvp? O.O

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Hello all, I ask the sincere and analytical opinion of you all about prs, if it can kill in pvp, maybe it is impossible but in any case it does not cost to try, let's char features:

offensively in pvp:
Vigor ball (t3) level10 DMG 75% (x2 hits = 150% dmg)
Divine force (t5) level 10 20% final dmg boost

defensively in pvp:
Virtual life (t3) Level 10 10% Abs + 30% add Hp
Muspell (t4) Level 10 15% evade (this skill freeze too the foe?)

considering a prs 136 with sun force and base vitality, it would reach 800 of dmg or more, considering that it can also use offensive mix in the shelton, set hell of 134 (add atq pow Lv / 10)

What do you guys think? Has anyone tried?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

vigor ball does not work like that, 2 hits each one with 75% damage bost [175% damage / ea]

virtual life does not add 10% abs on pvp, and it does not add abs for priest at all.

muspell does not freeze.

priest atq rtg is lower than 2k ( 1700 even though using +22 staff) so , even though priest had 800 damage, [ you might reach that with crit hits at 145] it's really hard to hit twice, and it's almost impossible to double crit.

So,yes, pris can kill 12x with mixed items. [13x if you are 145+]

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The Best Russian Pk
8 hours ago, Saiyajin said:

depends vs who you wanna

12x? yes you can kill

Pris 136 vs MS 128 FULL VITAL.
Eternal battle.


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7 hours ago, The Best Russian Pk said:

Pris 136 vs MS 128 FULL VITAL.
Eternal battle.


true story

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10 hours ago, Saiyajin said:

depends vs who you wanna

12x? yes you can kill

no i want kill a mlee op char same lv~ but probably prs die before vs a fs

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Priest dies vs any char 10 levels lower, unless you have 150 points in hp, but, with 150 points in hp you do 0 damage [however, you do 0 damage anyway :13_upside_down:].

Edit. Another reason that anihilate any chance of priest going bc is that players usually go bc with mule prs, so, vl and df increase the gap between pris and other classes.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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11 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Edit. Another reason that anihilate any chance of priest going bc is that players usually go bc with mule prs, so, vl and df increase the gap between pris and other classes.


This happened because prs are limited in BC idk why, her best support move are disabled in BC.

And is ridiculous that VL can't give prs extra abs like other classes, and grand healing heals all pt members except prs.


Edit. Her best support move in BC is holy mind, of course is you use prs as mule will be hard against who has an active prs for help, but at least we can see a prs outside safe zone,  moving instead  stay doing nothing in safe zone, which is really sad... 


Edited by marce2125

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

holy mind doesnt work in other players, only monsters.

the ''best support move'' is glacial spike.

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Divine Force buff could be changed so it gives the double aumont of damage to herself, and just adding half of it to other players.

For example, add 40% final damage to herself, and thus, 80% final damage to undead. When casting to party members, it is just the half of it (so it stays the same as now).

That way an active Priest has an advantage than any other enemy that have a mule Priest.

Edited by DarkLink64

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