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xp build help FS

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ok so I read one of the topic about the exp build but since the Cyclone Strike is static. it doesn't matter how strong my weapon is it will kill the mobs around the same rate, except the target monster? so should I build it like this:


str: enough for armor

Spirit: the rest here so i can spam mp

talent: 90 (for weapons)

agility: 69

health: 100


will that work? is it like spark for MS? 

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ok so I read one of the topic about the exp build but since the Cyclone Strike is static. it doesn't matter how strong my weapon is it will kill the mobs around the same rate, except the target monster? so should I build it like this:


str: enough for armor

Spirit: the rest here so i can spam mp

talent: 90 (for weapons)

agility: 69

health: 100


will that work? is it like spark for MS?


it doesn't make that difference if you use a good axe or a stone axe, if i were you i'd even look for a fs sword with speed 8, for example claymore/slayer fs is better than jagged/tomahawk axe... if you can't find one just buy a sword from npc that matches your level and respec it with gyfus. the first 1h axe with speed 8 is inferno (lvl 106)...


as for stats: yes, that's correct... play with spirit/health as you wish, imho spirit for celesto/mirage is ok (so around 90), increase it only if you can tank good otherwise go for higher health.


tip: when you are exping, always target the mob with highest health so you spend less time clicking (ex king hopy/stone golem/typhoon/ratoo/grotesque/iron fist) ;)

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hi im fs lvl 97 and thanks for soppurting me

ill try to do that and i wish it will succed

thanks again.


and if u have extra fs items just give me a pm ^^,

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If you're really up to use Cyclone Strike you must go for Inferno Axe to use, no sword. Swords doesn't hit faster with Swift Axe ("axe"... as the name says) and there's no point on Concentration

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