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S> Exp Service 132+ :D

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♥Exp Service for 132+  (IGN: Solcita)♥
Exp service is given out to you to exp your char from lvl 132+ until you want to! 12 hs + available p/ day (Not all days, but i can try). Fast, good and efficient. 
One and only price: 1 trill = 400 coins with exp pot always on (500 coins if not exp pot) 
132-133 = 2.6 tril 
133-134 = 3.2 tril 
134-135 = 3.8 tril 
135-136 = 4.6 tril 
136-137 = 5.5 tril 
137-138 = 6.6 tril 
138-139 = 7.9 tril 
139-140 = 9.5 tril 
140-141 = 10.8 tril 
141-142 = 12.2 tril 
142-143 = 13.6 tril 
143-144 = 15.0 tril 
144-145 = 16.3 tril 
145-146 = 17.5 tril 
146-147 = 18.5 tril 
147-148 = 19.3 tril 
148-149 = 19.8 tril
149-150 = 20.0 tril 
150-151 = 43.9 tril 
151-152 = 52.7 tril 
152-153 = 63.3 tril 
153-154 = 75.9 tril 
154-155 = 91.1 tril 
155-156 = 109.3 tril 
156-157 = 131.2 tril 
157-158 = 157.4 tril 
158-159 = 188.9 tril 
159-160 = 226.7 tril 
160-161 = 272 tril 

Thank you for trusting and GG ♥

Edited by Soldcito
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On 11/12/2017 at 5:54 PM, Demeron said:

U still selling XP service?

Yes I am still doing XP service, Just finished 3 accounts.

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