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S/T>147 KS 31% full=MS/FS 147+ only

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KS 36% naked = 30kc 


136+22 shield dnt  = 3.5kc

136+22 armor dnt = 3.5kc

134+22 sword dnt = 3.5kc

122+22 sword dnt = 3.5kc

136 set bsol (boots dnt) brace =1kc boots =1kc gaunt = 2kc

Tamu+Tshelt BSM 


I need MS/FS 147+ pm or post items

c/o 40kc a/w 45kc

Edited by Keanu

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men fs 146 45% set 3 bsm 2 t ring dnt axe 122 134 +22 0-0 armor and shield +20 drop near perf set 136 bsol drop near perf summer fs  + xp pot eye 24h actived + 3kc + 1gb for u ks full its ok=

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16 hours ago, cesarin1 said:

men fs 146 45% set 3 bsm 2 t ring dnt axe 122 134 +22 0-0 armor and shield +20 drop near perf set 136 bsol drop near perf summer fs  + xp pot eye 24h actived + 3kc + 1gb for u ks full its ok=

Lvl -1 items are mostly drop so no ty

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