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All mages selling acc

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Every day I see innumerable ads in the sale chat or exchange of the magician class, magician 12x 13x 14x .... the class is very disadvantaged, I hope the GMs * do something about it, I'm stopping playing, I do not have time to create another class and no one wants to trade or buy ... My full 138 magician is no good at anything. Diquest only always has the same players and classes that I do not need to say ... in the game information says to have balanced classes ...

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I hear you. The really butchered mage, hard.. and it wasnt too long ago, and changes / balance issues on this server usually takes very long, sometimes years, sometimes not at all. Anyway, if you cant trade it maybe you can sell it..cheap. Dont expect alot of currency for it since they are kind of useless, and try to buy something else. Anything else is better, except maybe assassin.

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