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LOL don't mean to hurt any1 but.

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After almost 100 days in game there is one thing that I can't u understand and it's the prices for chars naked . 


For example: I saw in market some1 trade 140 naked char +3500 coins for 143 naked char.

Now I saw prices for exp service 1 tri = 400c  and that mean to lvl from 140 to 143 will cost more then 10k without mention golds for pots/resu/ exp pot and the time of service.  



Since I am still new around,, people are that stupid to buy service if they can just buy the lvl they want with huge discount ? 



I level up myself but it's just really funny to see it or I am just missing something ? 


Anyway really didn't mean to hurt any1 just try to understand how the market work here . 



Cheers :)

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market account very bad now


mean 140 = 9kc

141 11kc

142 12kc

143 13kc

144 16kc 

145 20kc

146 24kc

147 28kc

148 30kc

149 35kc

150 40-45kc

151 50-55

152 60-65

153 80-90

154 100-120

155 140-150

156 180-200

157 230-250

158 270-300

159 no price 

160 no price

161 no price

162 no price

163 no price

hope i help :)

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On 11/19/2017 at 8:47 PM, bigpro said:

market account very bad now


mean 140 = 9kc

141 11kc

142 12kc

143 13kc

144 16kc 

145 20kc

146 24kc

147 28kc

148 30kc

149 35kc

150 40-45kc

151 50-55

152 60-65

153 80-90

154 100-120

155 140-150

156 180-200

157 230-250

158 270-300

159 no price 

160 no price

161 no price

162 no price

163 no price

hope i help :)

144 16kc 

145 20kc

146 24kc

147 28kc

148 30kc

=> 147 to 148 is so weird

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