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So here we go, what char you think is best? for pvp/pve/hunt

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14 minutes ago, christopher said:

... Like i said before, AS having tons o atk rating doesnt mean AS is the most OP char!!!

I have been explain this too many times ealier. AS OP is because of her SPEED! not her ATK RATING. ( and its HARD to connect 2 PS back-to-back, not talking about you need 1 of them to be critical to kill other players.)

Her SPD make her OP is because she can outrun any other chars in this game  PLUS she has stun ( which has been nerf) So, she can out run and stun the enemy, then she can use 2 hands and use PS ( in this case she can kill other player if he connect 2 PS back-to-back) beside that i dont see other way she can kill other melee char + shield with 2 hits.

Edit: I wouldnt say SPEED make her OP, SPEED only give AS an advantage,and every chars has their own advantage!

But my friend, what are you trying to prove?

When I say that Archer is the best overall, i've already took ALL speed types in consideration (Attack speed, Potion speed and Movement speed).


Archer excels at pretty much everything:


Attack Speed

Attack Damage
Potion Speed
Potion Frequency
Movement Speed

Critical Damage

Attack Rating
Area of Effect


Where she doesn't excels at:





Where, these two three stats are EASILY softened by:


Absurd aumont of Block+Evasion

Special suits that gives HP + Block

Can make use of many HP mixes that yields block

Just spending stats on Health to survive a single critical < if you survive, you can easily run away and pot between following hits due to high pot motion speed

Edited by DarkLink64

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18 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

But my friend, what are you trying to prove?

When I say that Archer is the best overall, i've already took ALL speed types in consideration (Attack speed, Potion speed and Movement speed).


Archer excels at pretty much everything:


Attack Speed

Attack Damage
Potion Speed
Potion Frequency
Movement Speed

Critical Damage

Attack Rating
Area of Effect


Where she doesn't excels at:





Where, these two single stats are EASILY softened by:


Absurd aumont of Block+Evasion

Special suits that gives HP + Block

Can make use of many HP mixes that yields block

Just spending stats on Health to survive a single critical < if you survive, you can easily run away and pot between following hits due to high pot motion speed

I didnt try to prove anything, as for my opinion and like many other AS they will argee with me that AS PS does not make contact 2 hit back-to-back that easily.

Like  I said on a lot of my post, every chars has their advantage and their disadvantage. and like you said above, she has more advantage but its doesnt make her the best.

She has attack speed: Its because her PS is 1 shot skill... (you can compare with an ATA, with tier 5 ata has more atk speec than AS but her split is a 1 shot skill too, but its can deals x3 damage with 1 hit) with a 1 shot skill, of course AS' PS will have a better attack speed than ata split, but its doesnt mean PS is stronger than ata split. ( because when these 2 run straight into each other, one use split and one use PS, I bet ATA will come out a winner most of the time.)

Attack Damage: Like I said earlier, ~ 170% for 1 shot skill is not a lot when you compare to ata split ~ 100% ( but 3 shots in 1) or with AC ( ~ 95% but 2 hits)

Potion speed: She has the fastest to use her potion, but like i said ealier... Its because her PS is a 1 shot  skill. ( she need it to survive because she cant kill other player with 1 hit. For example, a Pike or a Fs, they can just run into a battle zone and use SM or DT ( which is slower than AS' PS but  if it land crit or all hit, they will secure a kill. On the other hand, AS  very hard to 1 shot  other players, thats why she need to the speed.)

Movement Speed: Its Archer Advantage like PS has crit, KS has def, MS has abs etc.

Critical Damage: Everybody has their critical damage... maybe AS  can deals more massive damage than any other chars. But, its not because AS is OP/ broken, its because AS sacrifice other stuffs like not wearing armor, shield ( low strength)  Basically, AS  will sacrifice her DEF for more DAMAGE.

Attack Rating: Yes AS need to have atk rating.... even with this atk rating, its still very hard to make 2 shots back to back.This game has nerfed AS tier 5 by - more atk rating when using tier 5. ( what is more do you want ?)

Block+Evasion: AS has no defs, abs + health.


AS has her own advantage but also disadvantage, the same will goes for the rest of the char. But its doesn't make her broken. What make her broken is the LAG in SW or BC, which i argee with you. But, the overall char is not broken.

If you want to talk about broken char. Mech is one, ATA is the other.

Mech, I think everybody know how broken the char is :(

and for ATA,  she is broken compare to other range class. She is the most balance range char in this game, and with tier 5 , her output damage is off the char. With you can stand and pot and survive, but with ata + tier 5, she will not even let you have a chance to use your potion. and when she come close to her she has "infinity stun"

Ata has   a lot  OP skills which boost her up on another level "  stun,ice" " evade" " Split" " Atk spec"



Edited by christopher

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Dear darklink64 u crying alot about as, did u playing as more time or never playing as?  

Why no talk about ks ? Now KS is OP with pvp too, killing as easy and skill Doubl cracsh is op with one hit? And ks tank many + stun are  why u no talking about?

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1 minute ago, KriKa. said:

@bigpro well bro, ata ofc just try it you will like it alot =)

just try im sure you will enjoy it

ill go for it next changes i will try test all acc :)

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On 01/12/2017 at 12:33 PM, bigpro said:

my favoirte char is pikeman

and i know play pikeman good XD

i can win 1x1 almost all char in game [ with the right build ]

but cannot go with ps hunt bosses or exp he is to weak 

if i see you charging Sm or Cs at the same moment i stun you...so back to cooldown and all again until the end of days xD  stun with my shaman or ass, ata and afs can do the same...broken the sequence...

in other words, sm and cs dont work against stun classes if they know play


Edited by SomTrovao

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pvp is a strategy game too...you just need how to play rigth...

example: if a pike charge Sm or cs , you just need to broken the sequence with a stun (FS/ATA/AS/SS/ASS/KS) only mgs and ms dont have stun.

The same for divine piercing KS...


Other strategy is use divine piercing against rangers,pot 111 if stun fails against a continuos dmg(cs/sm/dp)

and many others, there is not a better class,all are fine, there is bad or good players only

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