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Level 80 - Test of Kingdom (stats question)

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I have a question regarding the the quest called "Test of Kingdom"


It says when "Quest is completed, you will receive +7 Stats Points for every level onward"

So what happens if you complete that quest at level 85, instead of 80? will you lose 10 stats points in that case?



5 x 5 = 25
7 x 5 = 35

-10 points

or how does it work?


And also, how will it turn out if you reset your stats after completing this, if you are level 105 for example.

Will you recieve 7 stats for every level? from 1 to 105?

7 x 105 = 735 total?


Some clarification is appreciated!

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you didnt lose anything if u do that quest at 120 for example all levels from 80 to 120 you will receive +2 points from 40 levels, that will be 80 points.

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