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*** HELP ... Out Of Retirement

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Hi all,


Me and 2 friends started playing PT back in 2002 and then moved to a few privates over time, CPT, BPT, KPT, but stopped playing a few years back thinking all the private servers were dead.

This new version is awesome, so many improvements.


We have been online for 24 hours and are 8x, but finding it hard to make cash and get items (still have some 3x/4x gear -_-").


Can anyone spare some tips about this new world?

For example:

Are there any cheeky maps for leveling to 10x?

Which characters are under/over powered?

Does each server have its own unique purpose?

Anywhere NPC's that sell 8x/9x items?


Really appreciate it guys!!

Edited by EnforcerGBTC

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35 minutes ago, EnforcerGBTC said:

Does each server have its own unique purpose?

No. It is all the same server, Ares is the main (full players, good for marketing, party and etc)  and Mars/Odin sub-servers (more "empty") . 


35 minutes ago, EnforcerGBTC said:

Anywhere NPC's that sell 8x/9x items?


Yes. Items ultil lvl 96 are selling in NPC's. 9x you can find in Battle town (lvl 105 map) or in the center of  MD1. 


35 minutes ago, EnforcerGBTC said:

Are there any cheeky maps for leveling to 10x?

MD1. (95+) It's hard to a normal char tank solo in there. Need be in a party or be a MS SPARK.   


35 minutes ago, EnforcerGBTC said:

Which characters are under/over powered?

Do not start with: Meele chars, except MS SPARK. 

Do not creat: Ass or Pike or Mage* , very weak chars ( pike is good in BC).   * Some people say that still a good char but most of them  disagree. 

The rest of  chars are nice at 132+ then u can up them solo at DiQ.  But the most recommended thing is created a prist and another char and up both of them together. 



** Se você for BR, tem na parte Português -> guias  um guia para iniciantes e/ou imigrantes do bpt com todas as informações detalhadas. 


Edited by BlackLabel
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Thanks a lot Black, that's really helpful.


Haven't played Prs in years :)

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welcome to this amazing server. your questions are well answered by BlackLable, and there is a great newbie guide that you can use, it will help you a lot:


Edited by frostlion
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Awesome, cheers Frost!


Got any history of this server?

I'm guessing its an evolution of R_PT?


The changes that have been made are pure amazing, must have some skilled devs.

Wish I had have known about it since day 1 () I'd come to terms with PT being dead :'(

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And for reference only, i suggest you guys not play any melee chars except mechanician since you are all newbie in this server. You and your friends can play mechanicians as tanker and priestess or shaman as killers, other chars that you want to play as mule. Mechanician is the only char that can tank in this server, so it is good for you guys to have a mech, priestess shaman and archer is very good killer char,  and at last, pike and assassin sucks.

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1 minute ago, frostlion said:

And for reference only, i suggest you guys not play any melee chars except mechanician since you are all newbie in this server. You and your friends can play mechanicians as tanker and priestess or shaman as killers, other chars that you want to play as mule. Mechanician is the only char that can tank in this server, so it is good for you guys to have a mech, priestess shaman and archer is very good killer char,  and at last, pike and assassin sucks.

Cool, right now we have a Mech, Mage and FS (but he wants to change soon).


It looks like all the MS are Spark builds here. Any reason for that?

They get a good AoE buff?

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3 minutes ago, EnforcerGBTC said:

Cool, right now we have a Mech, Mage and FS (but he wants to change soon).


It looks like all the MS are Spark builds here. Any reason for that?

They get a good AoE buff?


Because Spark MS is very good to train at the beginning, easy to kill with spark and spark shield, and can also tank all the mobs easily with Metal Armor and Compulsion. But the damage of spark skill is fixed, so Spark MS build will kill slow after you level up to a higher level like 110, at that time you can use priestess or shaman to kill and other chars just leech.

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And i suggest you can play several chars at the same time, use the window mode and open several game windows, for example you log in your Spark MS and your Shaman, you can party your two chars and use Spark MS to kill, the Shaman char just leech beside, that will be more efficient. In this server most players have a lot of chars.

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Thanks for all the infomation guys, I am Enforcers friend with the MS. Do any of you guys have a link to a good MS guide, and perhaps an AS as well. 

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