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Sell as 151, ata 145

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Ata 145 56% have 56h exp up = 21k coins
Shield 140 dnt +14 = 6k2
Jav 138 dnt + 14 = 6k2
Shield 136 bsol = 300kk
Greedy guant bsol = 4k
Brac 136 bsm = 200kk
Boot 136 bsm = 300kk
Set boss 2
Cupy ata bsm = 1gb


2. As 151  = 55k coins
Summer bsm 
Bow 138 +22 dnt = 11k
Greedy guant bsol = 4k 
Boot 134 bsol = 1k5
Brac 134 bsol = 1k5
Set boss 3 bsm ( 2 ring dnt bsol)
Shield 120 dnt bsol = 2k5


Sell item
Wand 138+22 dnt mgs = 10.5k coins
Robe 140 +22 dnt priss = 11k coins
Orb 140 +22 dnt priss= 11k coins
Amor 136 +22 ks dnt = 3k2
Shield 140 ks drop = 3k5

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I'm interested in buying Brac, boot and Gauntlet. Any discount if buying all three? Thanks.

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How % exp is archer ?i want trade it with 150.72%shanam..how much do I need top?

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