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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Holy mind nerfed zzzzzzzz...

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Seriously? 34% damage reduction and 15 sec duration?

Ok!!the skill was OP on pve, but it's totally useless at BC, even after the nerf it doesnt work there.

Priest damage formula still 170/ spirit and no one tells me wether its 160 or 170

Priest do not have pets and Virtual life do not add abs to priest , and now holy mind was nerfed , how could you hunt in Sl?

Vigor ball still useless , it has no atack rtg.

No effects on CL, holy mins and holy reflection

So the only thing changed in priests was a nerf? again, yes  the skill was OP, but prirst have lot of problems,mainly at BC and hunting, and no one cared about all those insues?


Edit:at least nothing has been changed on shamam


Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -
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a prs to kill in pvp only if be full +20 and against a char with less 7 level ~ 

ks,mech,mage and shaman prs cant kill.but yes i agree priest need a improvement

Vl dont add Abs? at least in my prs add hidden abs in pve, pvp i dont know.

about holy mind,yes dont work in pvp i think is  a bug.

all chars need a new update to focus to improve old skills

as like spark ms *-*


Edited by SomTrovao

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this nerf really sucks... -_- and i dont know why they change it, it's crazy 

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anderson barreto
44 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Foi por engano, será corrigido

has forecast the T5 ? something the ks ?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
47 minutes ago, Wartale said:

It was by mistake, it will be corrected


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Prs need a boost since a long time ago, is the only char without 1 vs 1 skill.

I could agree that Ass and Ps need more urgent a balance, but prs doesn't have an update since the change to % (and it was supposed to be in beta).


I don't pretend an OP char, i pretend can do something more with my char that lvling others,

right know i have to ask to borrow a character for my clanmates to go to hunt some time and

for sod i have to use a mage -8 lvls than my prs because is a lot of better.


I know, i know prs is suppose  to be a support char, but remember that MS is suppose to be a Tank char and here is the best killer 1 vs 1!. (PVE)





Edited by marce2125

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

1.Vigor ball = yes, the attack rtg is too low, ice meteorite kills way faster.

2.grand healing heals the priest, for a long time actually ( 5~6 months).

3.actually,orbs are stronger than shield, they add a pretty high amount of Def, Abs and Hp.

about VL, it wont be needed with holy mind back to what it was before.

lets consider mage, shamam and priest , 

shamam got high Abs and Hp + inertia and stun + pet

mage got energy shield [-30% damage but with mana drain] +distortion + pet

priest got high hp, endless ice, evasion, high hp regen [ if there is undeads] and holy mind, it means that in a map with 5~6 mobs with high damage, priest tanks much better than shamam or mage [ perfect for hunting undeads in big spawns], but in maps with many mobs, she cant tank that well, but , if vl add +10%, she will be kinda op in tankness [ priest full health also has over 3k of hp], i know, its boring you need to have good items to tank r6 sod with staff [or wand 138, since wand 122 damage is low], but, as soon as it tanks, priest becomes the supreme queen of sod, even though ice queen has ice resist, it's almost impossible to take down a priest on r3/ r6.



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