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ad3 lvl 130 xp map, mobs are bugged, can fix changing mobs?

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What the dam fruit are ur problems? Is it that dam hard to understan the point of that the mobs in ad3 run too much fruiting away? U all just know to be against everything instead of read the damed fruiting topic. It's about the BUG not the DAMED EXP.


the point is .. if have a bug need to be fixed ^^


what is the bug? the nature of the mob will run away like it is ..... do we expect the mob to come to u n stand there to wait to be killed?


doesnt make sense at all right? ;)


OF COURSE?  LIKE ON AD2 WHERE THE MOBS FOLLOW U ALWAYS, U LURE THEN KILL. Now get ur ass in ad3 and try to do the same thing u do in ad2, if it work for u SAME as ad2 i have to say that u are the PROEST player in game EVER . APLAUSE TO U BUDDY! Then when u check it out and figure out what im trying to say,then come back here and start to argue. Even Wartale know about that bug, so stop to act like a noob fool and go check it out..

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maybe be like RzO./DLM get 8 exper 24/7 xD

8 xper  :o


Jst a joke bro. Take it easy ^^

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maybe be like RzO./DLM get 8 exper 24/7 xD

8 xper  :o


Jst a joke bro. Take it easy ^^


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What the dam fruit are ur problems? Is it that dam hard to understan the point of that the mobs in ad3 run too much fruiting away? U all just know to be against everything instead of read the damed fruiting topic. It's about the BUG not the DAMED EXP.


the point is .. if have a bug need to be fixed ^^


what is the bug? the nature of the mob will run away like it is ..... do we expect the mob to come to u n stand there to wait to be killed?


doesnt make sense at all right? ;)


OF COURSE?  LIKE ON AD2 WHERE THE MOBS FOLLOW U ALWAYS, U LURE THEN KILL. Now get ur ass in ad3 and try to do the same thing u do in ad2, if it work for u SAME as ad2 i have to say that u are the PROEST player in game EVER . APLAUSE TO U BUDDY! Then when u check it out and figure out what im trying to say,then come back here and start to argue. Even Wartale know about that bug, so stop to act like a noob fool and go check it out..



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and i always thought that high lvl exp is supposed to be hard  :P


hard?  same as upt when u guys got 1 week of DOUBLE EXP? Rpt never had  more than 24 hrs of double epx rate, and it was only 2 times, all others events like this was arround 30 min of event, sometimes 1hr. And u come here to talk about high lvl exp is supposed to be hard? go to hell once again.

I agree bugs should be fixed, but exp should remain pretty difficult at the 130+ range.


There are lots of benefits to the 130-140 range. I think at 140 you can max or close to max all four tier4 skills and other such things, the list goes on.


In any game you:


A) Devote the time necessary to the end game grinds

B) Get someone else to do it


If you are not willing to do either, then you simply don't care enough to achieve that goal and place value on more important things in life. There is no shame in that preference, but you can't have it both ways. At some point we all need things, jobs, school, or sleep or other things. Its not fair to people who devote more time to the game for them to make it easy enough for anyone who devotes a small portion of time to easily hit endgame.


Do u have at least a lvl 130 char to start to argue about it? If not just stfu. Cause im 100% sure that u have no idea what u are talking about. So then go lvl ur char to lvl 130 and then come back here to start to argue again. ty.

It's kinda weird to fix the ad3 bug by changing the mod types in it. Im not sure what causes mobs to run away in that map, though I never looked at why yet.


Sandy, didnt u change the mobs on upt to fix the bug? I know thats not upt, but i think its a easy way to fix the bug, so then we can go there to xp!

We know that u are working on t5, so i dont think its a good idea to make u change ur way and stop working on t5, we just want to get a little better xp!

Seems like it's only you lol. It isn't even THAT hard to exp. You're a 13x, not a 11x, what do you expect. In fact, the game will be over when you reach 140 so soon. What's the point?


+1 if want fast xp ... create own pt server n play :P


maybe be like RzO./DLM get 8 exper 24/7 xD


dont come with BS cause i have no time to waste with u.



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and i always thought that high lvl exp is supposed to be hard  :P



Do you have any 130 char to start to argue about that? Im pissed off to see ppl come here to talk about things they dont even have any idea what they are saying,  they just like to be against anything, instead of start to discuss a thing that is good for all the comunity.

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ok, so im crying cause im asking to fix bug on ad3 mobs? How hillarious to read that. Its not my bussines if u did ur xp on a wrong map, if ad3 exist i want to exp there, since my chars are lvl 130, im not crying because of that, im just asking for the map thats already exist. Wartale know the bug from ad3 mobs, and like on upt, the way to fix it is changing the mobs there. That wont take much time from him to do it.


About ct3 change to exp map, if u read carefuly u will notice that i said when we get 135 + players it should be changed. But most of times u guys like to flame ppl than try to get a good reason to argue.


I didnt say your crying, also i'm not flaming you.

Your the one who told me to go to hell.


Besides that, yes ad3 monsters should be fixed, if they are bugged.

About ct3, it doesnt have to be 135 exp map, thats a choice GM can make if they want to be like UPT.


Ofc ad3 mobs need to be fixed, as upt was bugged and the way to get it fixed was changing the mobs type, right? And also again, dont forget that  in upt u get tons of  double xp events, and in rpt we dont have it, like i said before we had 2 "decent events of 24 hrs double xp" while in upt u get double xp event for 1 week, fair, dont u think?

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there are 2 Separate server,you cant compare the exp event,its gm or host decision.

and about mobs in ad3,it is bug as upt ,dont get together when you lvling,i think it is the size problem,but sandurr or other gm never

buy it.

so let it be,and accept it.

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There was a few users that hit 140 in upt without EVER having a exp event.

yep,omega lvl in ad3,adabat lvl in ad2,marco lvl in ad3.

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