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IMO the event ruined the sheltoms economy..

few hours after event boosted up, mirages goes for 400k and celesto 200k?


that's too much.

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What about making it enjoyable for everyone?


Look, I go train, Morif comes... I need to use Great Smash lvl1 to kill it, takes a damn long time, because no other skill do any damage to it >__>

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it will  boost down the prices but few days after it will be back to normal due to massive use of this sheltoms .. so hunt while its still there

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Don't miss it



this event will help all non-donater to get best mix. end of story

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Anyone can get best mix, I don't know if you didn't notice but all sheltons for that are droppable ingame~

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Anyone can get best mix, I don't know if you didn't notice but all sheltons for that are droppable ingame~


Agreed, and even if you don't drop it you can still buy it. 30-40kk isn't THAT difficult to make. There are plenty of ways to obtain these sheltoms, this is just a temporary one for really only a single weekend.

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Don't miss it



this event will help all non-donater to get best mix. end of story



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i feel most of the events inwtare crazy.

i wonder if it is necessary to make such high drop rate?


some hunters spent much time to get something valuable.

with  events, everyone can get those valuable items in 1 day or even 1 hour.

for example? phoenix egg, selthoms, 115 items, 120 items.

can pls save something that worth the hunters to enjoy their hunting?


also, servers are so lag with the event.


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its a crazy event lol, i bought more than 100 celesto for 60kk

ya, like belluns 7kk, oredos 20kk, wtf ?

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but this server, was needing to more sheltoms, now i got many to forces, aging & mix :P

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i feel most of the events inwtare crazy.

i wonder if it is necessary to make such high drop rate?


some hunters spent much time to get something valuable.

with  events, everyone can get those valuable items in 1 day or even 1 hour.

for example? phoenix egg, selthoms, 115 items, 120 items.

can pls save something that worth the hunters to enjoy their hunting?


also, servers are so lag with the event.



Events don't drop gear, so there is a point in hunting.

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Don't miss it


I was working the 2 first days... now on 3 day I want play!!

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lol too bad for those who missed those two days

each one made like a 6 months of hunting sheltoms in 2 days.

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i feel most of the events inwtare crazy.

i wonder if it is necessary to make such high drop rate?


some hunters spent much time to get something valuable.

with  events, everyone can get those valuable items in 1 day or even 1 hour.

for example? phoenix egg, selthoms, 115 items, 120 items.

can pls save something that worth the hunters to enjoy their hunting?


also, servers are so lag with the event.



Events don't drop gear, so there is a point in hunting.


how about double drop rate event?

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i feel most of the events inwtare crazy.

i wonder if it is necessary to make such high drop rate?


some hunters spent much time to get something valuable.

with  events, everyone can get those valuable items in 1 day or even 1 hour.

for example? phoenix egg, selthoms, 115 items, 120 items.

can pls save something that worth the hunters to enjoy their hunting?


also, servers are so lag with the event.



Events don't drop gear, so there is a point in hunting.


how about double drop rate event?


There's no point in making things hard when donators can easily get them, right?


It's like selling 120 gear for gold at the NPC.

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There's no point in making things hard when donators can easily get them, right?


It's like selling 120 gear for gold at the NPC.


this server is not 100%  donaters.

even the donaters get best equips, some of them who like hunting still will go hunting maps with their good equips.

they can sell drops to those who  need it.

but some of the events make everything worthless, i think the drops not worth anyone to hunt anymore.


hunting should be the another way to make you get good equips : IF YOU SPEND MUCH ENOUGH TIME ON HUNTING, sure sometimes we need some lucky. 


i think good drops balance is very important.  and the drops rate should be changed deponds on the market price. so that keep the items worth  to hunt.


events make players have more fun, i agree. but not this kind of event.

for example, if this event change the drops to selthom force, i think i wont argue with you here.


anyway, event ended.

enjoy rpt.

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just to know...


i think prices will rise up again, as sheltons are consumed.


am i right?

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