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Event KS?

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Hi, I'd like to discuss whether or not people's recent argument "KSing in event doesn't matter" holds any merit specifically for the event mob [wanted moriff]:


The claim is its a "boss" because of the name, therefore ksing rules do not apply. However, this seems contradictory to bosses given the attributes that define them:


A) There is no map announcement as with other bosses

B) It does not spawn once per hour at the designated "Boss" time, it spawns rapidly

C) Multiple can exist at once, which is normally impossible for bosses.

D) Unlike bosses, there are enough spawns and wanted moriffs to go around for everyone [providing they work themselves instead of being lazy <_<]. If people can obtain their own, it isn't fair to say they have the right to ks yours.

E) No other boss [that I can remember] has "boss" in the name


It also seems to follow the same context as kill stealing, your in a spawn working for your personal gain when someone intervenes against your will. It doesn't seem fair that you should do the work to get the monster to spawn, then have another player out ks you for it who was doing nothing prior nor contributing to inducing the spawns to summon it. Contributing to that effort by killing the other monsters is without question ksing, the event mob should be no different. A lot of higher 1 v 1 damage dealers are finding some kind of mass killer, sitting there and then basically 1-2 shotting the event mob to steal the drop [prs/mgs especially suffer trying to out ks for THEIR mob]. This should at least qualify as looting if not both looting and kill stealing in my own opinion. I repeatedly saw that tactic employed today, where someone just waits for you to do the work so they reap the reward. Then they say "its not ksing" despite all this logic.


-It has only one debatable "boss" attribute, and in every other way qualifies as a normal mob. It seems unfair to justify it as a boss because of a single attribute when many identify it the other way.


-As is always, proving it is up to the user and must be clear cut. Easiest done with a pic of clear spawn and them attacking the event mob.


Curious to know what everyone else thinks.

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i agree, it's clearly ks and it's fucking annoying!


Moriph doesn't spawn like bosses, you have to kill mobs to make him spawn, if yhou don't kill anything he will never spawn... so it's same as all other mobs, you do all the work to clear the spawn, then he spawns and some idiot somes to kill it.


considering the reward from killing moriph i'd even increase the ban duration for these cases -_-

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Ppl just want the drops, hey don't really think in what theyre doing.


Moriph is not a boss at all. i thing it could be categorized as "event mob", for which the ks rules apply as well.


KSing moriph is damn wrong, and very annoying. I just get mad when they do it.

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i stay on a spot to hunt moriph for several hours.. than someone came from anywhere and kill my moriph (Remember I WAS IN THE Spawn)


this is KS,


yestarday when i drop my only OREDO (so far) someone try ksing me, imagine if he kill, and take my oredo?


i´ve SS of clean spawn about 3h later...


ksers should have heavy penaltys

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I know how you feel. that happened to me a couple of times. the worst thing is some of these people wait for it, they just hide so you don't see them and when a morif appears they come out and tries to get the kill. another guy from Kangeroo ks my morif and says "sorry" what a fruiting joke.  lol

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i just got ksd by ViSaGe in d2 hunting morfis for about an hour. its ****ing stupid!!!! simply because they were an ata they could invade my spawn and range attack my kills. Either way you look at it, morif is still a normal monster and should not be subject to ksing, even though it has the title "boss".


Why not just make maps pvp for a while and we can settle the confusion? =)



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Why not just make maps pvp for a while and we can settle the confusion? =)


I agree :)

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Why not just make maps pvp for a while and we can settle the confusion? =)


I agree :)

then accedently a 8x players walks by a party of other 8x-9x and they are like "lol lets fk him up xD" I'm sure many ppl are going to do that so yeah, great way to ruin a server imo :D

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i´ll report everyone, and if don´t Ksers, i´ll start to loose my respect, and kser Everyone,


and let my clan do it without any internal penalty


than i´ll turn this on anarquy (anarqui) don´t know how to write this on english =X


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to bad. there willl always be KS in every game. u cant stop this.


We're not saying it won't stop people from trying, just that penalties should be served for those who do. Its like laws, making a law does not stop people from breaking them, but it does apply punishment to those who do [the basic idea only, before we debate the finer details of that =.=]

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Why not just make maps pvp for a while and we can settle the confusion? =)


I agree :)

then accedently a 8x players walks by a party of other 8x-9x and they are like "lol lets fk him up xD" I'm sure many ppl are going to do that so yeah, great way to ruin a server imo :D


Hahahaha ^ at that.


for all the people that play this game that only ACUALLY have only 1 low level character. chyeaaa righttt. lol

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According to Gogg [moderator] from the user report section:


"Moriph isn't a boss, it's an event monster. If you're killing it at someone else's spawn that IS KSing


But take this as warn, do not go for monsters at spawns where other players are killing, don't matter if it's about normal or event monsters"


It seems we've gotten our answer. People abusing others in the event beware.



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GM, if you think Event KS is prohibited, kindly set the rules or else .............

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GM, if you think Event KS is prohibited, kindly set the rules or else .............






-Quote from Gogg on the last link:


"Moriph isn't a boss, it's an event monster. If you're killing it at someone else's spawn that IS KSing


But take this as warn, do not go for monsters at spawns where other players are killing, don't matter if it's about normal or event monsters"


Their stance is more than clear by now, the logic I gave on the original post here backs up why its ksing as well. What your asking has already been well established by now.


The topic should be closed, the questions have been answered and there isn't much left to debate.

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GM, if you think Event KS is prohibited, kindly set the rules or else .............






-Quote from Gogg on the last link:


"Moriph isn't a boss, it's an event monster. If you're killing it at someone else's spawn that IS KSing


But take this as warn, do not go for monsters at spawns where other players are killing, don't matter if it's about normal or event monsters"


Their stance is more than clear by now, the logic I gave on the original post here backs up why its ksing as well. What your asking has already been well established by now.


The topic should be closed, the questions have been answered and there isn't much left to debate.


We all know, quote is not enough to support all this. Put in Server Rules. Too hard to do?

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There IS a rule against KS


Killing monsters from someone else's spawn, ain't it? Event monsters are STILL monsters!

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We all know, quote is not enough to support all this. Put in Server Rules. Too hard to do?


There IS a rule against KS


Killing monsters from someone else's spawn, ain't it? Event monsters are STILL monsters!


This ^. We're saying it already falls under a rule that is listed [Kill stealing], and hence no point in restating it.

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