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It's Ks or not

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HEllo guys i have question about ks, i was looking for  spot in AD 3 hunt sock, and i find 1, problem is 1 player AFK there i was chat if he/she is there if i can take a spot, but he/she still AFK then i take that spot is KS or not guys? He/She afk for 30 mins after she comeback and say i ks his/her spot


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8. Kill Stealing (KS) - Do not KS other players
KSing is an offense and may lead to punishment (this rule doesn't apply to boss monsters). 
It is up to users to prove their right to a spawn, it is assumed to be no one's until proven otherwise. If a user(s) cannot prove the spawn was free of other user(s) before fighting in a spawn, their portion of the case is dismissed. If both the offending and defending parties cannot prove this, the entire case is dismissed. If a user is not responding for 15 minutes or greater, they are considered not to be present and the spawn is thus free of their claim to it [their character alone does not make them present in a spawn]. Proving this is entirely up to the user, and intervals of less than 15 minutes of no response will not be considered and in this situation they can be reported for ksing themselves with an ensuing punishment. Should a user become present again by response or action who was previously not, they are considered the kser if they were proven not to be considered present for at least 15 minutes and will be given appropriate punishment.

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