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S> SS 141% SEMI full OR NAKED S> AS 140 FULL

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v ring as bom (x2)

dgs as bom

t amulet as bom

brac 132 as bom

gaunt 128 as bom

boots 132 as bom

bow 134 as bom

summer as bom

bow 122+12

shield 104 as +11

premium items:

exp pot 21 hrs left

gravity stone 161 hrs left


SS items

set boss3 dnt bsolmix SOLD

brac 136 drop bsolmix

gaunt 134 bsolmix

boot 136 dnt besolmix SOD

phantom 130+22dnt

robe 124 +19 drop

orbe 124 + 20 drop


have caravan 

exp pot

send offer in coins... I only sell SS, not trade, not offer noob

Edited by LaPerunita

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8 minutes ago, abraham said:

Price shaman sin set bos ?


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I know you speak spanish, so....


Tengo prs 139 59% con pota de exp activada (ni idea cuanto le queda je), me la cambias por la As?

Naked ambas...


Saludos, (aguardo respuesta).

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2 minutes ago, marce2125 said:

I know you speak spanish, so....


Tengo prs 139 59% con pota de exp activada (ni idea cuanto le queda je), me la cambias por la As?

Naked ambas...


Saludos, (aguardo respuesta).


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