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Exp event problems GM's Read / Respond?

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Yet again another x2 Exp event where 15x+ ppl cant get groups because o hey still no party Quest for us and no DIQ group will invite us due to yet again Party level problems so when will we have our party quest so we can actually benefit from these EXP Events because HS SL's always full and your basically SOL then because right now not getting anywhere in 2 Exp events we have had now and im not the only one having this problem alot of ppl seem to have the exact same problems... can we get some kinda input on this??

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Hi there,


- Unfortunately, nothing we can do about it. We cannot make the amount of HS as same as the amount of people in game who want to have it. The way it works is 1st come 1st serve regardless of EXP event or not.

- The whole map is use for EXP so you don't have to be in the HS to train your level. Also the whole point of exp event is to give you a faster exp regardless of where you train it. 

- There is no such thing as party problem, people has their choice to invite who they want in the party that work best for them. Changing partly level in 5018 was temporary solution as we have already advised hence we won't consider to change it to that again.

- More contents will be released during the course of this year to give user more option for training their level.

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4 hours ago, Wartale said:

Hi there,


- Unfortunately, nothing we can do about it. We cannot make the amount of HS as same as the amount of people in game who want to have it. The way it works is 1st come 1st serve regardless of EXP event or not.

- The whole map is use for EXP so you don't have to be in the HS to train your level. Also the whole point of exp event is to give you a faster exp regardless of where you train it. 

- There is no such thing as party problem, people has their choice to invite who they want in the party that work best for them. Changing partly level in 5018 was temporary solution as we have already advised hence we won't consider to change it to that again.

- More contents will be released during the course of this year to give user more option for training their level.



think biggest thing most ppl who are above 150 is the lack of quests / groups we can even do because lets be honest u see in chat ppl spamming none stop for even diq's 13x's who just wait n wait n wait for 15x's its even worse i mean i love work u guys are doing been doing hell of a job honestly but i know what your saying about "HS" in SL and spots always being first come first serve but when u got 10-12 ppl loging ppl's accounts in on rotation and holding these spawns 24/7 kinda screws rest of the community hints why we have been waiting for our party quest to at least give us something to do

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Party level DIQ have To back to 147  Will help a lot  for up  , because we waited for a long  time for  new  Q SL and  didnt  come ... how  many  event  /days  we have To lose  because cant up? O its  hard make new  Q  , so  make a easy  think  ,change  party level DIQ  again  , Will make a lot of players Happy..

 Better  event exp is when you can up  every day.  



Sorry for my bad English. 

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I really love your job guys, but imo is taking a lot a of time to you guys to realize that DIQ unbalance the game in so many ways and a lot of players already left the game by being bored waiting for party. I think i'm on the same path, since I can't level up solo cause there's no quest on IC and the exp is low, all I can do is waiting in the city while play another game, there will come a day that I will not even bothered to try, and so as I'am, the others too. 

I know that kind of comment/suggestion may annoy the staff, but ignore the problem will only delay the problem, actually this server has a limited life for players, once they get 132-140 they're f***ed that's their reward for hard work leveling!!

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I really don't understand why you guys complain so much about not finding DIQ parties. In all exp events I find parties. It might take a few minutes to find it, but it is possible indeed to join a group.


That can't be said to HS SL. There are 15 characters grinding for the whole event, because they just change the exp servicer, and the only party member that rotates is the lurer. But after what @Wartale said, I agree with them. It would not be wise to create another HS, since it would have a bad impact on the server's economy.


Let's see the new features the staff is planning to create!

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Just put 100% xp for 14 lvls higher than the map again and we will all be happy

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They should increase the Exp in Iron Core so players has more options for exp.

And besides the party quest 140, we need another exp map 140 (same reason, more places for exp.) both released at the same time

And finally we need to start thinking in a way to do a solo quest repeatable (hard at the moment due the difference between classes, just imagine an ass trying a 1 vs 1 quest :4_joy:.)




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7 hours ago, BBuddy~ said:

I really don't understand why you guys complain so much about not finding DIQ parties. In all exp events I find parties. It might take a few minutes to find it, but it is possible indeed to join a group.


That can't be said to HS SL. There are 15 characters grinding for the whole event, because they just change the exp servicer, and the only party member that rotates is the lurer. But after what @Wartale said, I agree with them. It would not be wise to create another HS, since it would have a bad impact on the server's economy.


Let's see the new features the staff is planning to create!


ur kidding right? 99% of ppl who are 15x+ sit in town all day on XP events because no one will invite us to groups and when u got 15 ppl logging into one account rotating during all hours for XP events isnt fucking the Economy? because its causing ppl to quit n screwing the game more then it already is how many years have we waited for full T5?? so we will have to wait what 2-3 more years for a Party Quest for 15x's to actually be able to par take in? issue isnt adding another HS its we need the the party quest we where promised AGES ago just like the stupid NPC says "Next Patch" ya thats a joke been how many patchs? like common get real now dude if u belive the bs coming out of your mouth sir then u are part of the problem on why this game is slowly dying if ppl cant speak up about issues without ppl like u runnning and kissing up for god knows what reasons whats the point of us even trying to talk to staff to try n get things fixxed so we dont loose more ppl then we already seem to loose regularly?

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add more  hs will not solve the problem, its only profit the exp agents ( which is bad for the economy.) Instead, is there a way to make the monster in small spawn will have more exp than the one in HS?

for example, 1 monster in HS will have 1,000 exp, and in HS will have ~ 10  monster spawn at the same time. ( total will gain =10,000 exp for 1 spawn) So, GM will raise monster's exp in the small spawn to  like 1,500 exp, and the small spawn like entrance or volcano which has ~6 monsters . ( total exp gain= 9,000 exp for 1 spawn)

 It will encourage people to exp more in SL, its also encourage people even solo in SL if they don't like to party.

Also, GM can  reduce the # monster in the circle ( where draxos spawn), Volcano, and the room far north. and Adjust the monster spawning place where its will be convenient for a party of 6 ( like entrance)  I think its a good idea because i rarely see anybody hunting or part in the circle, volcano or the room because the # is not high as its in HS and  the monster spawning place is very inconvenient for 1vs1 hunt. 


* The # of exp and monster can be change because GM will have the deep understand than me! But, the whole point is to raise the exp from a small spawn in SL.

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Hi again,


1 hour ago, christopher said:

Instead, is there a way to make the monster in small spawn will have more exp than the one in HS?


Sorry there is no such thing can be done.


10 hours ago, guerrerosp said:

a lot of players already left the game by being bored waiting for party


Where do you get this static from? As our log doesn't show it.


Also to address what everyone have said here:

1. No HS: So are you telling us without HS no one can train? What about other spot on the map?

2. No party: this game is not about all party, how about soloing? How about form a party and fight on spot like SL entrance or somewhere else similar?

3. No quest: from beginning, this game is never about doing quest to gain faster exp. The quest is designed to have a better experience in-game play. Making more quest doesn't mean you can find a party or spot to do it as mention in point 1 and 2.

4. HS is occupied by some people: they earned it by waiting for long hour and spending their time to keep it.

5. Increase EXP in map: Why? EXP is a challenge in-game, making it faster or easier just ruining the fun that is why we only do exp event once in awhile. 


Lastly, everyone want to have the best spot to exp fast however that is impossible to make it happen, you need to make use of all spawns and maps available in-game to enjoy it. If you get slow exp so as many other, so you won't be alone and you won't get slower level up then other. Don't compare yourself to people who play 12 or even 24 hours a day.


To sum up, sorry if you are looking for the way to gain exp faster, that is not going to happen. You need to work hard to gain the exp for your character. We are focusing on feature to enhance the gaming experience. Such as quest to have more fun and way to enjoy the game and so on...

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Hello everyone.


@Wartale, do you have any chance of having a map equal Iron Core, only to level higher? for example, a map equal iron core, only for level 144+ ?

without the same drop rate of SL to not affect the economy of the server.


or do you have any chance of removing the HS from SL, reducing monsters from all spaw SL, and increasing the EXP Rate and Drop rate of SL?


Thanks for listening.

hug to everyone.

Edited by lhyamauti

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4 minutes ago, lhyamauti said:

do you have any chance of removing the HS from SL,


We have this in plan but undecided yet. We will have and wait until the day we release more SL Quests.


5 minutes ago, lhyamauti said:

increasing the EXP Rate and Drop rate of SL


This is not our intention


Please be in mind that we have just completed the refactor project hence we have a lot of work to catch up.

All old projects and plans are now in the work :), such as Tier 5, New Quests.

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36 minutes ago, Wartale said:


We have this in plan but undecided yet. We will have and wait until the day we release more SL Quests.



This is not our intention


Please be in mind that we have just completed the refactor project hence we have a lot of work to catch up.

All old projects and plans are now in the work :), such as Tier 5, New Quests.


Okay, thank you so much for the answers.


Good job ;)

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Lets go.

Look, the admin is trying to open his mind and teach you again how we can enjoy this wonderful server.


I think there are a lot of players accommodated with "quest".

Not that I do not think they are useless.

4 hours ago, Wartale said:

from beginning, this game is never about doing quest to gain faster exp. The quest is designed to have a better experience in-game play. Making more quest doesn't mean you can find a party or spot to do it as mention in point 1 and 2.


In my opinion and suggestion, today if there were no "quest" on death island, many "problems" would be solved.

To the point that he would simply go back to the game in its basic essence.

How do players evolve in sl? simple, we get together in one or three or four and we're going to look for a spot where we fit in well. simple.


If I am alone and I can not get a slot in hs, I was not lucky or anything. it is not the fault of who is there.

If I am in a clan, I will try to encourage them to one day be able to group them all together.
I think the only way to get a space is to anticipate who is there always.
If they plan and get together and can deploy, any group of friends or clan can do the same.


Enjoy Wartale!

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everyone wants the best xp spot, they dont want the second best xp spots....

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