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Build PRS , Examine, Coment !

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HI !!

I share my opinion on the creation of this character. Which I have used it on different servers, and have tried many ways to assemble. in the realm pt, change 2 or 3 times of skill, I've rebooted, not to mention the stat's!


Must first take into account, we have set. My first recommendation is to not use base str and wear boots, gloves and bracelets that do not impose more than 80 str and 75 agi. a good mix to everyone !! .


Depending on the type of training that we do, share my idea of points :

Strength : Requiring of Item ( Boot's)

Spirit : Requiring the Robe = Base Sprt

Agility : Requiring of Item (Boot's , Bracelets)

Talent : Full 81

Heal :  Other Point's


This way we can achieve a very good amount of hp, with the help of VL .. andgood set, 3000 points of hp can be achieved . (lvl 110). prs such is seen lately, thanks to the drop of mp pot is high, mp resign points and tank is stuck but as perfect for hours of many monsters and have low hp.


My second proposal is the other way around from the front. mainly based spirit and heal, a few points as to the vl, get to have 600hp


Strength : Requiring of Item

Spirit : Full Spirit = Other Point's

Agility : Requiring the Item

Talent : Full 81

Heal : 100 / 125


The third in this case would be a mix of HP and spirit, with this we can move very freely and is balanced our hp, with our full mana and damage.

Strength : Requiring of Item

Spirit : Other Points (Which always have enough to put the robe + 100 points.)

Agility : Requiring of Item

Talent : Full 81

Heal : 200 / 250


And finally we can use force base, and use a shield, be welcome to prs, but to tie or archer who are the least force ask ..


Strength : What the required shield, Holy bot's , gloves and Elven bracelets.

Spirit : 50% // 25 % // 75 % Point's

Agility : Bracelets Require .

Talent : Full 81

Heal : 50% // 75% // 25 % Point's


Two forms: full hp, or full spr .. I do not think it's a bad idea a little of each in almost equal proportions of points.


All this will always depend on our lvl and how many points we have to go around, but serves as a guide, I would feel satisfied.






Many occasions always doubts about to go up to lvl 10, as a first clarify two issues, explain the most common here:

The Vigor Ball (vl) has major damage to the multi spark.


Mana regeneration, 4 tier buff skill does not work.


Should not increase the mana regeneration (passive skill) that use giant pot of mp!.




Class: Priestess

Tribe : Morion

Primary Weapon: Wand, Staff

Primary Defence : Robe

Second Defence : Orb , Shield

Base Statistics: Strength: 15 - Spirit: 28 - Talent: 21 - Agility: 15 - Health: 20


T I E R  "1" Priestess


ptee1_4.gif Holy Mind: LVL 10

Reduce Monster Attack Power = 50 % For 25 Second's.

With this skill, subtract 50% of damage to the monster, is very high when we're alone 1 vs 1 .


T I E R  "2" Saintess


ptee2_3.gif Holy Reflection : LVL 10

Reflect : 150%

Reflect damage from undead monsters, this skill should get to the end.


T I E R  "3" Bishop


ptee3_1.gif Vigor Ball : LVL 10

Min Dmg 66 (+Spirit x 2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2 ) - Max Dmg 91 (+Spirit x 2 +Max Wand Dmg x 2 )

Skill damage our continuous, left mouse button.


ptee3_3.gif Extinction: LVL 10

Success Rate: 96+(LVL/5)% HP Reduction Vs. Undead = 52 %

Great skill to train on Lost Island .



ptee3_4.gifVirtual Life: LVL 10

HP Boost = 30 %

All our party needs to get this skill, thanks to the can tank! .


T I E R  "4" Celestial


ptee4_3.jpgChain Lightning: LVL 10

Lightning Damage = Min Dmg 230(+Spirit/2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2) - Max Dmg 250(+Spirit/2 +Max Wand Dmg x 3) Bolts = 12

Our strongest AoE, having no delay, we always use this skill.


ptee4_4.jpgSummon Muspell: LVL 10

Attack Power 125 - 150 Delay Monster Hit : 1 Sec . Absorbs Undead Damage = 50 % Added Block (Evasion) = 15 % .

Should always be used with the virtual life, constantly, as it provides a large block .



ptee4_1.jpgGlacial Spike: LVL Rest Point Elite after running out of points, we add the skill of ice .

Glacial Spike Damage In LVL 10 Min Dmg 170(+Spirit/2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2) - Max Dmg190(+Spirit/2 +Max Wand Dmg x 2) Area = 195 .


The most important thing is to have, VL ptee3_4.gif, VB ptee3_1.gif, CL ptee4_3.jpg, Summon ptee4_4.jpg,Holy Mind ptee1_4.gif , at lvl 10, and then go up according to the number of points getting us to go.



Eventually I'll go edit my post, sorry if there are typos, I am using the google translator.

Share our ideas! that is what this beautiful community! any comments will be welcome, as long as it with respect. nobody owns the truth, that the force be with you!

his was created through hard work, with the best intention of helping and sharing.

If copied, cite the source, damage, duration, is based on this server.


Carefully: Nico


My Char : Bunbury Prs 10x

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nice guide!


I suggest minimum spirit for robe, minimum str\tal for items

and rest for health!

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Just a question; why on earth could you possibly want to put any more than one point into vigor ball? From what I can see, the only difference between L1 and L10 vigor ball is 36 points of damage (which for my priestess at 82 equals 6% extra damage, which will only become lower as I get better weapons and more spirit). This comes at the cost of 9 skill points, twice the mana cost and 38% higher stamina cost per cast. Unless I'm missing something big here, I can't see any reason whatsoever to level it.

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:) VB should stay at lvl 1 as Crius said, 36 additional dmg is nothing for a skill that does 1k dmg at lvl 1.

Instead, I would suggest having Mediation lvl 10, if you have enough SP. It helps me to be comfortable with carrying little Mana pot. Meditation gives 20 mana regen at lvl 10 (compared to ePT which is only 4, 5) and it makes a huge different!

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Guyz I just to know something, what about Tier 5?

Ice Meteorite or Meditation?? or maybe both??

and the other ones who lvl 10 first


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Guyz I just to know something, what about Tier 5?

Ice Meteorite or Meditation?? or maybe both??

and the other ones who lvl 10 first



probably both

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