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Patch 5024

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Hey GM,


This last Patch 5024 made some differences in magic monsters atacks.

For instance, like in SOD round 6, no longer magic monsters come closer to magicians skills range Stone Spike.

Before Patch 5024, Magicians compete equally with others magic players. 

Can't you fix that?



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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


6 or 7 years ? 


wrong , this bug is really ''recent''.

and, instead of casting the mp sucking spell, witches ran in the player direction , so, that's why the MP is being  drained now.

you guys got used to this, that's why are complaining , but it was never meant to be like that.


when i reported it i didn't really now how it actually worked nor that other witches from other maps were also bugged.



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