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This is why PvP is boring.

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12 minutes ago, tarana2012 said:

Remove change class in coin shop. :))

Dont say that, the whales would quit when Archer gets its well deserved balance fix. They only play on the strongest character possible.

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20 minutes ago, tarana2012 said:

Remove change class in coin shop. :))

No brother, this is not so, I'm not going to play 1 char I do not like, so all the other class is not accurate in the game, game had to be renamed to WartaleOlnyArcher, I understand all players that have char Archer do not want to change but you have to understand that there are more players in the game who have their passion, Thanks

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39 minutes ago, cyber said:

No brother, this is not so, I'm not going to play 1 char I do not like, so all the other class is not accurate in the game, game had to be renamed to WartaleOlnyArcher, I understand all players that have char Archer do not want to change but you have to understand that there are more players in the game who have their passion, Thanks

Great words. 

They are so desesperate that it sounds like: if KS somehow get nerfed I would switch into something else. Surprise - I wont, because it's the class that i play since 2006. I would ONLY perhaps switch to a Pike, but I'd rather exp another for myself.

Edited by DarkLink64

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Haha, you've made me laugh.  A clear display of pure desesperation, can't rebate any of my argument. Go on child, keep it up. I don't give a crap, just laugh at your struggle.

Community pools for balance are 100% garanteed to fail. Everyone will put their bias on there. Plus, the aumont of forum readers are much less than the actual active players number. Now you're refuted once again.


Any real way to judge balance changes are looking into statistics, rankings, and do some proper study on each class parameters < and this is where I came up.

What you came up to defend your self? A shame wheel of spin to insult me? Or keeping talking about Knight as a reason to justify Archer current state? Or lying about HP since the game offers plenty of options to achieve a bare minimum viable HP? Or insisting that Archers doesn't have enough damage when scoring this minimum HP? 

So many strong arguments and yet - no one was refuted.


Can't say the same about yours - Got Refuted hard all the time - try again kid, keep me entertained.


But I would give you an advice - Your best argument is to keep unleashing your poison against me, but again - you can't deny any of my arguments, and still need to keep insulting me and shit. Guess what? Insulting me won't hide the truth. Better gather some coins and ready your class change, baby. 

I'm a wall that you will never be able to climb on it - just deal with it and give up. Feel free to keep insulting and babbling stuff. 


Resultado de imagem para go home and be a family man

Edited by DarkLink64
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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


the Game is slowly fading, we need skill balance in most of classes,  3 classes got only 2 skills T5, and no sl quests so far , most of my friends quitted, and i'm just doing daily quest hoping the server will get better , that is the sad true =/


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30 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:


the Game is slowly fading, we need skill balance in most of classes,  3 classes got only 2 skills T5, and no sl quests so far , most of my friends quitted, and i'm just doing daily quest hoping the server will get better , that is the sad true =/



yes, many of my friends were also playing other priston or other games.

It's sad but it's reality, it gradually gets more empty.


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14 hours ago, Mrzero said:

excuse me, shut up bitch.. u already got rape by quit game..  shut up bro i dont wanna talk with u... change to op chars yes bcz need to rape this shit include u to make u quit game right now. Give away, dont come back to talking shit.

or wanna comeback to crying again ? wellcome 

lol moron i stop play because game is really boring dont because you raped me so funny if archer got nerf you will change to other class because thats what you do .. i wonder how you learned to play archer if you were always useless in all others chars that you played :))) 

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5 hours ago, cyber said:

Sim, é impossível lutar com o arqueiro, todos me conhecem e sabem que lutar com MS 16x, FS 16x, SS 16x, PS 16X ETC, porque essas classes são equilibradas e só têm um bom jogador ou um jogador ruim. Mas com Archer não há como lutar porque Archer é absurdo, na verdade, quando eu vou bc e tenho mais 1 arquiteto, desbloqueio e vou jogar outro priston, e minha opinião e eu queremos que você me respeite, Ninguém e forçado a mudar de aula para Archer só porque Archer é forte (Archer precisa ser equilibrado) Obrigado



If you give a "roar" in archer + DT = death in 90% of cases. stop lying cyber, fs has damage of 2.2 k in a dt, impossible any archer "tank" any hit! I went to x1 with Chico. (FS 155 not full). I am archer. Score 4a1 for him. There is no coherence in his words, this seems to cry for the class!



STOP unilateral opinions. KS and FS are the best classes in the current pvp along with archer! If they were just, they would be asking for the balance of Assassin, pike and mage!

Edited by HollyShot

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It is obvious archers are Overpowered. If it is not, why is there MORE and MORE players changing class  to Archers.


i think part of the reason is for our server to make money,  it costs to change class, and it is fair. 


This game is free to play, but please keep in mind, it need money to operate the servers, and it is not cheap.


In short, peeps keep donate more and keep our server running. :1_grinning:



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1º I don't agree with your point. To me you seem not exactly diplomatic. You are not being specific enough or attaching your numbers to real game, also u'r not really serious reading anyone who does not 100% agree.

 2º I don't really get what's the purpose of the video, a knight is being attacked by 3 archers and a knight, I mean... your HP is super probably going down, even were only attacked by the 3 archers (or even 3 other classes) like... the probabilities of they killing you are obviously high, dont you think (???.

It also was mentioned that As is "proven" to tank more than a Ms, lets just say it correctly: no, they have a total higher chance of not receiving hits, due to evasion only, no block benefits meaning lower % than Ms (and same as any other class), lower abs, def & HP than Ms so if the hit is received HP goes down way more than a Ms, and way more than ks, fs, ats, etc. 

You mention HP mixes and high age as a factor, but those are available for every priston player, not an exclusive benefit, so let's take that out of the ecuation. Btw thales most definitely doesn't tank more than 140+22, or 136, 132,128, etc

I don't believe archer's development is as dramaticly better as its been said hereAll clases haven't had boosts/positive improvements in about a year, and archer specifically havent had any skill/stat upgrades at all in probs 2 years, and actually during this time, as's only had their skills nerfed, no Boosts/benefits at all: first, RTG dramatic reduction -> Falcon + GoldenFalcon 200% going to 50% chain meaning quite high loss, in addition to PhoenixSpeed -1 speed and extra rtg 10% reduction, from -30% to -40%; it all meant a total reduction of about 60~70% archers total RTG. Stun arrow nerf allowing fail chance + blocked/defended. Lastly Perforation's (archers ALL time second skill) nerf which ended with the skill useless for PvP as for PvE. I'm not saying those were good or bad, but archer's -not so dramatic- issue is something most probably related to new items/other class nerf/new buff stacks etcetc, rather than her skills; which have been working this way for a veeery long time (remember some were nerfed) and never got attention till now. There's more to consider (or fix) than just archer's (ks's 25% dmg skill, more high lvl players, bugs/lag, 4 classes unavailable to PvP vs anyone)

I'm not trying to deny Archer's been getting better on PvP lately, they have, but I'm concerned you and a group of players, are most certainly not being impartial with actual's situation, searching for more of a skill punishment than finding real reasons or solutions. Since SL's, boss and 138 items realization, players have been complaining whenever a class shows good/aka better-than-me development in an area: autoMS cause hunting, Mgs PvP Hdmg to none, everywhere; Ks Lightsw high to useless, Amazon's rage, Hellion's, Roar, and it continues.

Yes, archers are good at PvP, better than they used too and it needs more attention and maybe fixes, but this topic seems to have lost the point, too many angry players from "both sides", when there should not be sides at all. In my opinion we should try to perfect and benefit each class to a fair PvP/PvE devlmt, not nerfing till equaly bad. With zeus project we have a very good opportunity of getting our ideas and fixes to be considered, we better use it. 

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On 26/01/2018 at 4:18 AM, xunahyo said:

Wow you died with 1 HP pot left, didn't see that coming, LMAO.




First of all, yes Archers should be removed from this game, because it's overpowered, stupidly high evasion, stupidly tanky, stupidly running fast, stupidly a range character, and last of all, stupidly high damage. We all agree that that the Archer class sucks so bad, Wartale shall remove this entire class in the next Patch, which is Patch 5025! Horray~, because it's a fucked-up class that Wartale has no idea how to balance.



Okay back to business, you are using tank stat for Knight:



And I thought that at the time 0:58s your HP were taken down by half and then another half, meaning it didn't come down by one Phoenix Shot. so then as you stated the damage is indeed around 1600. But that 1600 doesn't happen all the time though, sometimes you are getting hit by losing 1/5 or 1/4 or 1/3 of your HP, meaning the damage of Phoenix Shot has a range of dealing from 0 damage to a maximum of 1600 damage. The thing is you are getting hit by multiple Archers, who knows which Archers dealt that damage, what if it's _n00b_ that dealt that damage? From forum account panel _n00b_ is level 160 right, the level difference will then be 8 difference, so it's kinda hard to judge your claim. Otherwise, if it's a level 147 Archers dealing that damage then maybe it's overpowered? I don't know, I'm pretty sure you can kill a level 147 Archer in one Knight skill too if you don't miss. But then it requires so much effort to have two players testing this kind of shit out.


But seriously, this video kinda prove the point that Knight is stronger than Archers without looking at your stats, because you are tanking four fucking Archers for a bloody one minute, longer than the time mankind has ever existed. All I can see is one handsome Knight running around, who got fucked yet still hugging and running. It's okay bro,I can feel your happiness, I think the entire post shows that you are bored with your work or your life, don't worry bro, me too, I'm waiting for this game to get interesting. And YOU, is my man.


YOU CRAZY ?      AS 1 hit down. AS nice atack, bad tank...

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