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This is why PvP is boring.

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And please dont come at me with this bull crap of "just Passive and T5".

If you put into account only the main Evasion/Block/Defense sources, the gap between Archer and everyone else will just increase.

If you're smart, you will see that the most individual checks you have, the less the gap becomes. Like i've done the math myself, the actual difference between the Tank God Broken Knight vs the Ultra fragile is 2,8% - to the Archer side.

But hey, lets do it on your terms. 


Archer Attacking Knight:


1 (no evasion) * 0,56 * 0,722 = 40,3% chance to hit

Knight Attacking Archer


0,56 * 0,51 * 0,751 = 21,4%



Its 19% less chance for a Knight to hit an Archer.


But hey, for you Math is unnecessary and doesnt work for nothing but rather I should learn how to play.

Goddamn give me a break. Please raise your standards, you dont have any kind of moral to discuss balance with the argument of "Learn how to play".


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7 minutes ago, christopher said:

Any archer with armor will never deal massive damage!

Archer's damage is not broken  because an archer main damage  are come from agility, unlike KS their main damage come from strength. Archer can not sacrifice too much point into strength, health, and agility at the same time. ( and thats a disadvantage of a range class.) Thats why you rarely see an archer using armor 140 because an archer need to sacrifice atleast another 100 point into strength to wear the armor, so instead they use put that much points into health to bring the hp up. on the other hand, every other melee chars wear armor 140 and shield 140 because  their main damage come from strength, and by putting as much as into strength their defense and abs also goes up.


The amount of health you put in archer depends on your armor/ shield mix or age, if your items mix ( which has a lot of hp.) you do not need much point into your health. But, with hp mix , an archer does not have a lot of defense + abs, which  if you dont have enough point in health you still can be kill by 1 hit.

On the other hand, if an archer use armor/shield  age ( which an archer has tons of defense and abs.) But, with that defense and abs, the base hp only has 1.3-1.4k hp ( with hp.)  how can an archer with 1.3 to 1.4hp tank?




Again, stop this bullcrap dumb argument. Do the math.

Put enough vitality with whatever way you want be it through Thales, Armor, etc etc etc - Archer will still have enough kill potential with Broken Phoenix Shot.

Its 176% multiplier on a very fast single hit skill. 

Stop acting like a victim, pretty much all class in this game requires vitality, surprise surprise, Knight and Mechanician included. You talk in a way that their HP are crap, so low that they die to 1 hit against pretty much anyone. But hey, thats blatantly a liar. The game offers many sources of HP outside of Vitality, and they are pretty much covered on all my tests.

But what justify so many Archers on BC, dealing ridiculous aumont of damage 2shoting people or A single Critical Pshot is enough to anybody else finish the player off?


Dude, stop. Raise your knowledge and take your bias out. Archers are broken and its pretty obvious stuff. 

Its a matter of time for changes to come, its frigging unnaceptable to a Fragile class deal that huge aumont of damage while still having more Block/Def/Evasion than Knights / Mechanician

Edited by DarkLink64

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Why i cant come at you with the passive and T5?

thats the only different between Archer and KS, because the champions buffs, ata evasion, and the rest of the buffs Ks can also have access.

And like I said, because As does not have health like FS passive, nor KS defense. An archer can only survive with evasion. ( Its an archer unique trait.) And i dont know why are you keep crying about their unique trait. I never heard you cry about how much KS can tank with 1 handed, I never heard you cried about FS's DT can deals almost 4k damage.  The only chars you are crying about is AS's evasion...


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Just now, DarkLink64 said:


Again, stop this bullcrap dumb argument. Do the math.

Put enough vitality with whatever way you want be it through Thales, Armor, etc etc etc - Archer will still have enough kill potential with Broken Phoenix Shot.

Its 176% multiplrer on a very fast single hit skill. 

Stop acting like a victim, pretty much all class in this game requires vitality, surprise surprise, Knight and Mechanician included. You talk in a way that their HP are crap

But what justify so many Archers on BC, dealing ridiculous aumont of damage 2shoting people or A single Critical Pshot is enough to anybody else finish the player off?


Dude, stop. Raise your knowledge and take your bias out. Archers are broken and its pretty obvious stuff. 

Its a matter of time for changes to come, its frigging unnaceptable to a Fragile class deal that huge aumont of damage while still having more Block/Def/Evasion than Knights / Mechanician

If you so good with math, why dont you change your KS to an Archer and try your math. I bet 100% with armor+shield+ health you WILL not have enough damage. and Phoenix Shot is not broken, like i said before, PS is the only way AS can deal damage. Thats why its stronger than AC, GC/DC, CL but its not broken.

If an archer can kill you with 1 PS, then you dont have enough health. If you have enough health , Archer  can never kill you with 1 hit. But, you still can kill archer with 1 hit because the AS is pure hp.


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1 minute ago, christopher said:

If you so good with math, why dont you change your KS to an Archer and try your math. I bet 100% with armor+shield+ health you WILL not have enough damage. and Phoenix Shot is not broken, like i said before, PS is the only way AS can deal damage. Thats why its stronger than AC, GC/DC, CL but its not broken.

If an archer can kill you with 1 PS, then you dont have enough health. If you have enough health , Archer  can never kill you with 1 hit. But, you still can kill archer with 1 hit because the AS is pure hp.


I dont have to change, its just plain obvious.

Changes are confirmed, you can babble whatever you want.

Show me some math that proves me your argument. Show a math calculation displaying that Archer doesnt have kill potential .

Like i've said, its math or nah. 

Anything outside of formulas is just 

anecdotal evidence

and are resumed to: My class is weaker than yours, your class is stronger than me, and there is no valid parameter to make a judgement. 

I wont reply you anymore untill you bring me some facts backed up by math

Plus, if Archer gets its proper balance, let's see if you will still remain good or you will have to learn how to play, or should I say, switch to the next broken class? HAHAHAHA jokester.

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well, then i guess enjoy your quit time, because your crying here doesnt help much :) remember, to come back to sometimes for me to kick some butt. :)

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1 minute ago, christopher said:

well, then i guess enjoy your quit time, because your crying here doesnt help much :) remember, to come back to sometimes for me to kick some butt. :)

Resultado de imagem para Anecdotal evidence

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9 minutes ago, christopher said:

said it from a "generic" KS :))

Resultado de imagem para offending meme

Keep it up! The most offensive stuff you talk, the less valid your argument becomes. Its okay, to me it's a clear show that i'm correct and you're just defendind your character.

Because, oh wait, if your broken character is fixed, what else you will have to play with? To me, players that just play the strongest character have no skill whatsoever, neither any kind of standard to discuss balance without arguments or tell other people to improve.

Keep babbling about cry and stuff, it shows how much maturity and knowledge you have as a player and person.

Edited by DarkLink64

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Patch 5020+ archer dont miss again PH, what happens staff? I continue put health 400 and continue kill fast damage 1800~2000 using PH. Evasion said reduced on phoenix speed but tank 2, 3, 4... i have archer and i guess extremely ridiculous when my class has more advantage over all class on pvp.

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Agree 100% with you as is to much over power.. ain't fair I wanna quit this game became boring because of that 

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nah why should i get butthurt from a newbie like you?

Talking about stats, stats only get you so far. If every char has the same stats doesnt mean they will fight equally, one will win and one will lose. and some chars will have an advantage in a particular stats and the others will have their. Thats why FS has boost health, thats why KS has godly shield/ drastic spirit, and thats why Archer has passive evade and t5.

and like i said, if you want to talk about broken char, talk about an ATA, talk about Fighter, talk about Mech. Those are all broken char in this server.

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9 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

Resultado de imagem para offending meme

Keep it up! The most offensive stuff you talk, the less valid your argument becomes. Its okay, to me it's a clear show that i'm correct and you're just defendind your character.

Because, oh wait, if your broken character is fixed, what else you will have to play with? To me, players that just play the strongest character have no skill whatsoever, neither any kind of standard to discuss balance without arguments or tell other people to improve.

Keep babbling about cry and stuff, it shows how much maturity and knowledge you have as a player and person.

this guys only cring, he compare AS 161 with your char 152 :)). If x1 with the same level i guess he can kill AS easy.. that some video from him show that. So why this guys crying to much.. 

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Just now, christopher said:

nah why should i get butthurt from a newbie like you?

Talking about stats, stats only get you so far. If every char has the same stats doesnt mean they will fight equally, one will win and one will lose. and some chars will have an advantage in a particular stats and the others will have their. Thats why FS has boost health, thats why KS has godly shield/ drastic spirit, and thats why Archer has passive evade and t5.

and like i said, if you want to talk about broken char, talk about an ATA, talk about Fighter, talk about Mech. Those are all broken char in this server.

Oh hey, i've did a incredible aumont of work studying the game mechanics and formulas to bring you an accurate value, and instead i'm a newbie. 

Thats fine, i'm done with ya. Enjoy entering on Forum ignore list. Bye forever.

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Archer has an advatage against melee, because she can run fast  without taken any damage. But if you want to counter that, Put some points into your health or  change your class to an ATA. simple solution. Like I said on the other post, every chars has their advantage and their disadvantage.

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anyway, you will quit again soon. i will spend my time more wisely this time.


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TO SIMPLE COMPARE THAT. U CAN LOOKING FOR AS OF C IS THE SAME NUMBER ... see what the team AS CL can do and the team AS of BH can do............ why As CL can do like us ? 


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28 minutes ago, Mrzero said:

TO SIMPLE COMPARE THAT. U CAN LOOKING FOR AS OF C IS THE SAME NUMBER ... see what the team AS CL can do and the team AS of BH can do............ why As CL can do like us ? 


lol shut up bitch you sucks just lvl and crowns i remember you long time ago crying to me because i fcked you with archer then you copy and changed :)) i know you dont forget jerseylicious even you tell to me i had items edit :/

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1 minute ago, [crass] said:

lol shut up bitch you sucks just lvl and crowns i remember you long time ago crying to me because i fcked you with archer then you copy and changed :)) i know you dont forget jerseylicious even you tell to me i had items edit :/

nah, is this sure bitch got rape :l

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A strange fact is to see a archer 16x tank 6, 7, 8 attacks from others class but dies for one archer lv 145 :)

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2 minutes ago, Mrzero said:

nah, is this sure bitch got rape :l

in your dreams i deleted everything and i dont have ss for show you how you cried to me and many of your friends vns too... anyway i just remember you that you sucks and will be always my son :))

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omg i see a lot of tears :)

when the "ks" was the best char he never said anything, now that he got a little power down he cries every moment, even after having lowered it a little, they are still broken, every day I see how many tank, kill easily the class that supposedly is more broken, if supposedly this class is so broken, kill too much with 1 single hit, tankea too much, I can not understand how CybeR, tank 4 as, and kills easily, unforgiven in the same way, it is assumed that the Broken char kills easily with any char with 1 hit, and these tank so easily :)
I have tried high chars, full items, draxos, armor, health, buff and even so they die of 1 blow, there are so many things that I can not inexplicably understand, but the problem is that the "as" is very broken ^^

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it is clear that Archer is the best class for:


- UP together with Shaman/MS
- Hunt boss.


Ks now its only Good for PvP.


only blind who does not see it.

all who attend PVP know that archer is OP.


only that many here in the topic just want to defend what is beneficial for oneself.
The right thing is to balance Archer and Knight, not only in PVP, but also in PVE, as well as balance other classes too!


Hugs !



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45 minutes ago, lhyamauti said:

it is clear that Archer is the best class for:


- UP together with Shaman/MS
- Hunt boss.


Ks now its only Good for PvP.


only blind who does not see it.

all who attend PVP know that archer is OP.


only that many here in the topic just want to defend what is beneficial for oneself.
The right thing is to balance Archer and Knight, not only in PVP, but also in PVE, as well as balance other classes too!


Hugs !



exactly, im not defending only talking about AS isnt the only pj OP in the game, but people only talk about as :)

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