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Help a Noob Player with mix and age

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Guys i'm wondering one thing, there is a conversion value for a Mix to a Age ?


Like lets say a Bell Mix equip 120 = What equip +x (age) ?


Other thing, i should choose the mix with HP or the ABS mix ?  

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There is a section on the site where you can view the perfect item stats, also there you can simulate age and mixing effects. 

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Simulation dont help me, maybe only on the first question. But the second one, i want to know what is best for tanking ABS or HP ?

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2 hours ago, BenderFry said:

Simulation dont help me, maybe only on the first question. But the second one, i want to know what is best for tanking ABS or HP ?


what's your char? In my ata/prs/as I always choose the HP mix over the MP (for example, the set) but in other classes the MP mix is better than the HP, like fs i think, I may be wrong on that since i dont like meele so much

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8 hours ago, guerrerosp said:


3 hours ago, thisisrauldo said:


what's your char? In my ata/prs/as I always choose the HP mix over the MP (for example, the set) but in other classes the MP mix is better than the HP, like fs i think, I may be wrong on that since i dont like meele so much


I play PRS/SS and use a AS for ET1  farm... I'm quite strugling to keep my PRS and SS alive in MD3. I'm using some gear 104, and some gear 95 plus 106. So i need help to see what is make more ''tankier'' a MP mix with 3 abs on rob and boots with +1.8 or + HP. 

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7 minutes ago, BenderFry said:



I play PRS/SS and use a AS for ET1  farm... I'm quite strugling to keep my PRS and SS alive in MD3. I'm using some gear 104, and some gear 95 plus 106. So i need help to see what is make more ''tankier'' a MP mix with 3 abs on rob and boots with +1.8 or + HP. 


well i remember that i struggled a little bit in MD3 with my prs too, the mixes on the boots I always pick the Velocity one, and if you're gonna do Devine mix on the robe, I would choose the Fortitude, more abs and more def :D

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