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Is Project Zeus a new way to delay the launch of the rest of T5 Skills ?

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I really believe is just a way to keep postpone the skills launch. But who knows...

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Class balance is needed, I for one think that it is great that the community can be a part of how the classes will be balanced :-)

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1 hour ago, Freppe said:

Class balance is needed, I for one think that it is great that the community can be a part of how the classes will be balanced :-)

Its really good that we can make some choices in balance. But what class do u think needs balance ? In my mind, in PVE everything is ok. Mech being tanker, AS as killers and the other stuff. Things are goind normal. Balance is needed on PvP which i dont play, but i dont mind if some balance come to make it better. Which annoys me is that the t5 skills are like 2-3 year old and never gets released. 

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2 minutes ago, technosdx2 said:

Its really good that we can make some choices in balance. But what class do u think needs balance ? In my mind, in PVE everything is ok. Mech being tanker, AS as killers and the other stuff. Things are goind normal. Balance is needed on PvP which i dont play, but i dont mind if some balance come to make it better. Which annoys me is that the t5 skills are like 2-3 year old and never gets released. 


PVE everything is ok?? well I don't think things are ok for ASS, PS, MGS and sometimes even for KS, ATA that are left aside on DIQ/SL as killers for AS and SS...

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17 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:


PVE everything is ok?? well I don't think things are ok for ASS, PS, MGS and sometimes even for KS, ATA that are left aside on DIQ/SL as killers for AS and SS...


Bro, i really don't know why a lot of ppl are so freaking endlessly complaining about the unfinished Tier 5 skills. i mean the role for a class or the way to play is fixed, for example prs is so not good at solo hunting, even GM release the rest 2 T5 skill tomorrow it still won't make any difference, but i'm very happy that prs is a good supporter and AoE killer, that makes me have my role in this game. Every class has it's pros and cons, T5 skills won't make your favorite class good at every aspect.

In my opinion skill balance(especially for PS and ASS) is way much more important than the rest T5 skills now, obviously GM has limited time and resource to doing one thing at a time, and many of my friends are loyal pike fans, if they know that pike is strong again, they will back to play, i think it's also reasonable for all other comparatively weak or unpopular classes fans. Skill balance makes every class is playable or enjoyable, that will bring this game more diversity and more vitality.

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Balance is way more important than T5. 

T5 only exists to complement the game - it's not a requirement for it.

Balance is the other way around - classes can be too strong or too weak so it breaks the experience completely. 

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9 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

Balance is way more important than T5. 


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whatever balance they done. its always have strongest char and weakest char

just like in one battle always have winer and loser.

and later pepole still complain about it.

i dont know how many time they did it as i know 3-4 time already :D

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42 minutes ago, frostlion said:


Bro, i really don't know why a lot of ppl are so freaking endlessly complaining about the unfinished Tier 5 skills. i mean the role for a class or the way to play is fixed, for example prs is so not good at solo hunting, even GM release the rest 2 T5 skill tomorrow it still won't make any difference, but i'm very happy that prs is a good supporter and AoE killer, that makes me have my role in this game. Every class has it's pros and cons, T5 skills won't make your favorite class good at every aspect.

In my opinion skill balance(especially for PS and ASS) is way much more important than the rest T5 skills now, obviously GM has limited time and resource to doing one thing at a time, and many of my friends are loyal pike fans, if they know that pike is strong again, they will back to play, i think it's also reasonable for all other comparatively weak or unpopular classes fans. Skill balance makes every class is playable or enjoyable, that will bring this game more diversity and more vitality.


ya ya exactly! it's better if they balance the classes than releasing T5 too, it'll bring more people, some of those who switched class to AS may come back to his/her old class, etc

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5 minutes ago, Destination said:

whatever balance they done. its always have strongest char and weakest char

just like in one battle always have winer and loser.

and later pepole still complain about it.

i dont know how many time they did it as i know 3-4 time already :D


well, that is for sure, but again, see the numbers, how many ASS/MGS/PS/ATA high lvl do u see active? and AS/FS/KS? That's the main difference, over powered char x the others.

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well i think. if do they

they should forcus useful of character

like Assa they should do sumthing with it becos they are useless in many way

mgs becos not for bc char pp dont like to play much as other class

ps cant train  becos cant tank or really difficult to train. it only use for BC or mabe hunt okie with crytal

ata still good only  t5 skill use way too much mana and stm not good for train  as AS. i bet if they fix that it much better.

u see more AS and MS cos they useful in alot of way. Train , BC and Hunt

that what i saw in this game


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15 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:


well, that is for sure, but again, see the numbers, how many ASS/MGS/PS/ATA high lvl do u see active? and AS/FS/KS? That's the main difference, over powered char x the others.

I hardly believe Knights and Fighters are "Overpower". To me they are at their finest - good class, each with its own strong and weak points. 

To the broken side, on my opinion, are Archers, as pretty much everyone already know. Mechs comes in second. However mechanicians are easy to be balanced, unlike Archers.

Edited by DarkLink64

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5 minutes ago, Destination said:

u see more AS and MS cos they useful in alot of way. Train , BC and Hunt

that what i saw in this game


exactly, why only they are more useful than the rest?


4 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

I hardly believe Knights and Fighters are "Overpower". To me they are at their finest - good class, each with its own strong and weak points. 

To the broken side, on my opinion, are Archers, as pretty much everyone already know. Mechs comes in second. However mechanicians are easy to be balanced, unlike Archers.


hmm kinda of, but it was only an example, idk for sure bout KS and FS, just that they're more versatile/efficient than most of the other classes

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10 minutes ago, Destination said:

whatever balance they done. its always have strongest char and weakest char

just like in one battle always have winer and loser.

and later pepole still complain about it.

i dont know how many time they did it as i know 3-4 time already :D


hmm you are right, there will always be strong class and weak class, but it doesn't mean that the balance is not important. Balance is a continuously dynamic progress, it's not done and ok forever thing.

WoW has 10 classes at 2004, now it still only has 13 classes. But during these 14 years, Blizzard has made thousands times of class/skill balances, and it's still going on. Yes we all know that there won't be an absolutely 100% balance in a game, but we still need balance improvement, to make it less unbalanced.

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17 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:


exactly, why only they are more useful than the rest?



hmm kinda of, but it was only an example, idk for sure bout KS and FS, just that they're more versatile/efficient than most of the other classes

That's a display of when a character balance is "fine", not "overpower". Being versatile and efficient while still maintaining weaknesses or stuff that they don't excel at, is a good sign that they are fine.

To be honest, there are points on both classes that could be improved. More on Fighter side, since he possess a wide range of skills that are utterly useless. I'll write stuff to improve both KS and FS, but more on PVE side. 

On the weak side of classes, it's easy to identify why a class like, for example, Pikeman, is bellow Knights and Fighters. The problems lies on Pikeman itself - not on Knights/Fighters being "too" good.

Edited by DarkLink64

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sempre usei fs + ultimamente prometi pra mim mesmo nunca+ ter 1 aqui ct3 i sod moob mapa 120 da hit kiil em fs fuul 140+22 dnt //por isso deixei ss nao mata 7 round sod + pelo menos nao morre kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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27 minutes ago, ligi said:

sempre usei fs + ultimamente prometi pra mim mesmo nunca+ ter 1 aqui ct3 i sod moob mapa 120 da hit kiil em fs fuul 140+22 dnt //por isso deixei ss nao mata 7 round sod + pelo menos nao morre kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

English only, please!

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6 hours ago, frostlion said:


hmm you are right, there will always be strong class and weak class, but it doesn't mean that the balance is not important. Balance is a continuously dynamic progress, it's not done and ok forever thing.

WoW has 10 classes at 2004, now it still only has 13 classes. But during these 14 years, Blizzard has made thousands times of class/skill balances, and it's still going on. Yes we all know that there won't be an absolutely 100% balance in a game, but we still need balance improvement, to make it less unbalanced.

Agree. Every expansion WoW keeps changing the classes' skills and talents tree to make the classes balance as they see fit. Class balance will be an ongoing project and will never be finished, as soon as there is a new skill or class introduced, the project very likely needs adjustment. However, considering how big the Blizzard development team is, they have the ability to make the changes faster. 

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Anyone saying that dancing sword is useless and do not deserve to be casted is not fit to play magician.

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