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Elemental Resistance for Skills

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List of elemental skills which monsters have resistance for.

Monsters can have resistance for each element ranging from -100 to 100. In which 100 is full absorb of damage of that element, 0 has no effect, and -100 double damage. Interesting to know which skills use these elements when balancing monsters.



- Fire Bolt (fire)

- Fire Ball (fire)

- Watornado (ice)

- Dancing Sword (fire, ice)

- Flame Wave (fire)

- Meteorites (?)



- Fire Javelin (fire)

- Lightning Javelin (lightning)

- Frost Javelin [buff] (ice on normal attacks)



- Spark (lightning)

- Spark Shield (lightning)

- Impulsion [area damage only] (lightning)

- Magnetic Sphere (lightning)



- Divine Lightning (?)

- Extinction (?)

- Glacial Spike (ice)

- Chain Lightning (lightning)



- Holy Incantation (?)



- Elemental Shot (lightning, ?)

- Bum Shot [Area Damage] (fire)



- Rage of Zecram (fire)



- Ground Pike (ice)

- Venom Spear (poison)


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Awesome feature!


Ah, you forgot venom spear and ground pike from pikemans, rage of zecram from fighters and elemental shot from archers. x)



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- Holy Incantation (?)

isnt a dmg skill


Diastrophism, Death Ray, Multispark, Vigor Ball?


We cant say things for sure :x

Set for each element a mob with 100 res and test during maint with the missing skills :)

If a skill dont do any dmg... dont need to say.


ice1 is already nice except chaoscara is still like a LT mob.


btw: thats a kinda hidden place for this topic

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Well Holy Incantation success rate is affected by the 'Organic' resistance of a monsters (tested).


I've tested all skills, those not mentioned are not affected by Elemental Resistance of a monsters. A '?' means I dont know what resistance the skill is affected by, but it is affected by something [because the damage was reduced] (couldve been a combination of elemental resistance but I tried that too).

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If Holy Incantation is Organic and Extinction not on list, whats the block chance then o0


Combination r also crap to test :S

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I believe meteorite is not an elemental attack, but I've heard that death ray is a poison attack.

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Ah I forgot about extinction, ofcourse it also has elemental resistance, not sure which one though.


Anyway I'll be putting a test of everything at 0% this maint.. let's see

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Ah I forgot about extinction, ofcourse it also has elemental resistance, not sure which one though.


Anyway I'll be putting a test of everything at 0% this maint.. let's see

Ah great!


And once again, I loved it. It would be my next suggestion to either remove or add some function to elemental resistance since in original PT it doesn't work properly.

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when will be posted the monster's elemental atks?


I ask for it because we have elemental resistences and i wanna know if it s a good thing to enhance (ex: mage skill zenith add +30 at lvl 10, which means 30% less dmg from a elemental atk).

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i dunno abt it much but i would like to help... imo

meteor - normal?

DL - normal or lightning? but i dunno y u no put lightning there since skill its lightning xD

Ext - Organic i think...

HI - Organic since its its ard the same as Ext

Element shot - there got fire oso... when u cast, sometime fire shot oso... if i not mistaken la xD


hope this can help u...

or u already done the test on them...? xD


anyway Nice Work ^^

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This is a very interesting topic, since i dont see any other topic regarding this, i post here. (since its not closed)

I would love to know if sandurr will investigate this again, or has some plans for this.  :)

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