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Silvermoon Recruiting

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As it says Silvermoon is now Recruiting memebers lookin for 8x and up (must speak english)


If interested in joining this friendly clan pm Deadzy or Murderface

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Keep the recruits coming!!!


SilverMoon is growing by the day in numbers, in strength, and most importantly... in continuity  ;D


Lots of laughs in clan chat and ventrilo, tons of fun in Clan Parties, Clan Hunts, and Clan SoDs  8)


Still looking for nice english speaking players to join our ranks and get in on this fun we're having!!!



BTW, quick thanks to the current SM peoples... I'm excited and proud of the growth of you noobs!!! jajajajajajajaja

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yes all come in here and hear josh getting owned daily in the high educated clan chat :)

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Off the top of my head... CYU, Ghastly, ZeroLeet, Sunbeam, SatanicPike, Glenmorangie, Ayamea, Wirt, Nancy, Zangief, Spongey... that's all I can think of off the top of my head for right now

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was wondering if i could join guild.....  just started playing fresh out of EPT (fuckinng hate it...  been there since 2001...... ive had it) and just made a pikeman. Any class this clan needs in particular i am willing to make as long as i am told what the need is ill make it right away. In game name is Isoniazid and if possible who is ok for me to pm for invite if accepted. Live in miami FL btw.

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New set of rules in order to be invited:

Be lvl 100/110

Speak english

Be active


PM LordDoom or CYE for an invite




We want to start of with OWNING SOD :P

Then we would like to expand our owning streak into pvp ranks :P

We want to make active and loving family clan.


Forumz will follow soon :D

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No way!!! we gotta have room for growth thats still a bit much starts a 9x and up leave time for them to join and lvl some and get to kno the clan plus i enjoy helpin ppl lvl soooo yeah  :P


MechofDoom here ^^ im pretty active on server near 17hrs a day

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No way!!! we gotta have room for growth thats still a bit much starts a 9x and up leave time for them to join and lvl some and get to kno the clan plus i enjoy helpin ppl lvl soooo yeah  :P


MechofDoom here ^^ im pretty active on server near 17hrs a day


We are aiming for lvl 105, but abit less isnt that much of a deal breaker, and being higher certainly isnt either lol :P

Be sure to pm CYE or LordDoom ( temp vice leader )to get an invite :D

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So uhm yeh, we are still recruiting 105+ players, but mostly active players :)


Be sure to pm me or CYE, to join. Or feel free to pm any SM member :)

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Wooooooooot!!!!!!!! go Silvermoon GO!!!!!!!            ;)

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So uhm yeah, [ToothPick] here.


I guessed this forum nick was better, so i made a new forum acc :)



SilverMoon is still recruiting.

Lvl req is upped to 110, cause we are getting higher and higher too


See you ingame :o

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TY bro :)


Its fun to see the clan grow and get stronger :)


I've had a bunch of proud moments already... one of the latest was lamer Jay's (Ghastly from ePT) FS getting 115, and my next proud moment will be Glenmorangie hitting 120!!!! :)


Gogogogogogo SilverMoon!!!!!

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